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​​​​Per Public Act 97-1102, the Enhance Physical Education Task Force (EPETF)was created. The purpose of this Task Force was to promote and recommend enhanced physical education programs that can be integrated with a broader wellness strategy and health curriculum in elementary and secondary schools in this state, including:
  • Educating and promoting leadership on enhanced physical education among school district and school district officials;
  • Developing and utilizing metrics to assess the impact of enhanced physical education;
  • Promoting training and professional development in enhanced physical education for teachers and other school and community stakeholders;
  • Identifying and seeking local, State, and national resources to support enhanced physical education;
  • and such other strategies as may be identified by the Task Force.

The Task Force submitted its recommendations on Goals 19-24 of the Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health to the Governor and the General Assembly in August 2013. The Task Force focused on updating the standards based on research in neuroscience that impacts the relationship between physical activity and learning. The Illinois State Board of Education adopted these Revised Standards in January 2014 and they were implemented starting in school year 2015-16.

Enhance Physical Education Task Force (EPETF)

Committee on Promoting Enhanced Physical Education

Committee on Revising Illinois Learning Standards Related to Physical Education

EPETF Newsletters/Updates

EPETF Reports and Webinars

  • Enhance P.E. Task Force Final ReportPDF Documentand Executive SummaryPDF Document – Recommendations sent to the Governor and General Assembly on Goals 19-24 of the Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health on/before August 31, 2013 focusing on updating the standards based on research in neuroscience that impacts the relationship between physical activity, fitness and learning.
  • Enhanced P.E. Fact SheetPDF Document- This briefly describes how to P.E. maximizes learning and improves behavior and health​
  • Enhanced P.E. Resource Guide PDF Document - This comprehensive guide provides links to resources related to Enhanced P.E., including professional development opportunities and classroom activities
  • Enhance P.E. Webinars
    • Enhancing P.E. in Illinois: Tips for Implementing the New Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health– October 9, 2014 
      Focus is on providing tips for implementing the new learning standards in the schools and class­rooms across the state. Deb Vogel and Sandy Noel, members of the Enhanced P.E. Task Force who worked on the revisions, leads participants through a series of exercises aimed and helping them understand the changes and additions to the learning standards and how to adapt their class curriculum and activities to the new standards.
      Target Audience: teachers, curriculum specialists, school health advocates, and others working with schools to implement enhanced physical education.
      Speakers: Sandy Noel, Physical Educator and Curriculum Developer and Deb Vogel, Recent chair of the Enhance P.E. Task Force committee charged with revising and editing State Goals 19-24 of the Illinois Learning Standards for Physical Development and Health
      Sponsors: International Alliance to Prevent Obesity and Illinois Public Health Institute

    • Enhancing P.E. in Illinois: An Overview of New Learning Standards and Physical Education Requirement - October 1, 2014 
      The Illinois Enhance Physical Education (P.E.) Task Force, established by Public Act 97-1102, brought together a diverse array of stakeholders who created recommendations driven by the compelling evidence linking enhanced P.E. with improved academic achievement, behavior, and health. The recommendations promote and support the leadership of local schools and administrators so they can be champions and models for other schools. The Task Force also proposed revisions to the state learning standards for Goals 19-24 to facilitate consistent implementa­tion of quality P.E., and those learning standards were adopted by the State Board of Education in early 2014. The Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity used the recommendations of the Task Force to develop two legislative propos­als in the spring of 2014, and two bills were passed that support implementation of the Task Force’s recommendations: HB 5397 (now PA 98—0859) and SB 3274 (now PA 98—0859).
      Previously recorded on October 1, 2014 this webinar will inform participants about the new learning standards for physical development and health and the requirements set forth in the two new laws related to physical education. The webinar will provide a brief overview of requirements, the science behind them, and the basics of when/how they need to be implemented.
      Target Audience: superintendents, principals, school board members, other school officials, teacher preparation programs and health advocates looking to learn more about the changes to physical education requirements in schools.
      Speakers: Deb Vogel and Sandy Noel, members of the Enhanced P.E. Task Force who worked on the revisions, will lead participants through a series of exercises aimed and helping them understand the changes and additions to the learning standards and how to adapt their class curriculum and activities to the new stan­dards.
      Sponsors: International Alliance to Prevent Obesity and Illinois Public Health Institute
    • Leading the Nation: Illinois Enhance P.E. Task Force Recommendations & Revised Learning Standards Originally recorded in September 2013, Task Force members, including the State Superintendent of Education and representatives from the Illinois Principals Association, the Illinois Association of School Administrators, and the Healthy Schools Campaign discussed the specific recommendations put forth by the Enhance P.E. Task Force, including proposed changes to the learning standards.
    • Enhanced P.E.: Making the Connection Between Physical Activity, Learning, Behavior & Health
      Originally recorded in July 2013, this 1 hour webinar features members of the Enhance P.E. Task Force, including the State Superintendent of Education and representatives from the Illinois Association of School Administrators, the Illinois Principals Association, and IAHPERD, with a keynote address provided by a leading physical education coordinator around the neuroscience that supports the RETURN ON INVESTMENT of enhancing P.E. in schools. Intended for superintendents, principals, school board members, and other school officials looking to improve student health and academic achievement​​​




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