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​​The AAVTC pathway focuses on careers in designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services. Careers in the AAVTC pathway require a creative aptitude, a strong background in computer and electric-based technology applications, a strong academic foundation in math and science, and a proficiency in oral and written communication.​


​A matrix has been developed to provide a quick glance of the appropriate sequence of courses for approved programs. This matrix is only a guide to aid in the development of approved AAVRCV programs therefore not all approved courses are listed. If you have any questions please contact Steve Parrott.

Teacher Resources

  • ​Illinois Career and Technical Education Curriculum Revitalization Project
  • Engineering byDesign™ —To access curriculum you must have permission - Email:


  • Audio/Video Production
    • Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation (GAERF®)
  • Graphics
    • SchoolTube


  • Advance CTE Career Cluster
    • ​Arts, A/V Technology & Communications 
  • Partnership for 21st Century Skills
  • Technology and Engineering Education - Standards for Technological Literacy

CTE Curriculum

These are curriculum resources for Arts and Communication (A&C) which were created to provide additional support for the CTE Teacher. You will find these resources broken out in modules and each module will have E-Units, Lesson Plans and Presentations. As a teacher you can customize these to fit your needs. If you have questions about these resources, please contact ​Heather Taylor​​, the principal consultant for this area.​​​


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