{{CurrentPage.Topics.DisplayName}} {{CurrentPage.Subtopic_x0020_Level_x0020_1}}


Public Hearing Date Number of Speakers Speaker Capacity Speaker Capacity Status
{{item.HearingDate}} {{item.CntSpeakers}} 5075 Open Closed Open Closed

Thank you for submitting your budget request for the Budget Hearing. Please submit any other documentation you wish to provide to support your budget request to​​

Reference Number: {{BudgetHearing.BHID}}

Information of Person Providing Testimony

Budget Hearings:

Please select one of the boxes to indicate which budget hearing you intend to speak or select the last option if you do not want to speak but want to submit a written funding request.

Program(s) for Which Funding is Requested:

{{item.Program}} ({{item.OtherDesc}})

Funding Levels Current Additional Requested Total FY 2026
ISBE Funding {{item.CurrentFunding | currency}} {{item.AdditionalFunding | currency}} {{item.TotalFunding | currency}}

Please provide the Board with a description of your funding request and sufficient detail to justify the funding request. The Board has identified the following elements be included in this narrative: program description, program goals or what is expected to be accomplished with the funding, including, if possible, baseline data (for a prior year or current year for the program) and estimated data for FY 2026, assuming the funding request is funded and implemented.

Speaking Group

Speakers at each hearing will be grouped by the same or similar program requests. If you are testifying about more than one funding request, please select from the drop-down menu which program grouping you would like to join for your testimony.

This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect.

Contact Information