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​The Career and Technical Education (CTE) & Innovation Department offers numerous grant opportunities funded by State CTE and federal PerkinsV monies distributed through a formula, competitive or incentive basis.  These funds are awarded through Education for Employment(EFE) CTE Systems which then distribute money to the local public school districts,or directly to school districts, Area Career Centers, community colleges/universities or Regional Offices of Education.   Any entity that receives Perkins/CTE funds must conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment (CLNA) every two years with input from stakeholders.

METT Grant

  • Update to the FY2024 METT Pathway RFP
    IMPORTANT: The RFP Overview Submission Date and Method indicates the due date for applications is May 30, however applications will be accepted until 4:00 pm on June 14, 2023

    ​IMPORTANT: Under Application Narrative--Section 3: Quality Part Two PROGRAM PLAN the text contains “…to implement a new or expand existing CTE…” this is in error. Throughout the application, technical assistance and informative presentations it is stated this funding is only to create new METT Pathways.​

FY2024-2026 Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT) Pathway

FY24-26 Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT) Grantees



The following forms are for those FY24-26 Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT) Pathways Grantees who received funds in December of 2023:

​RFP Documents:

  • ​Update to the FY2024 METT Pathway RFP
    IMPORTANT: The RFP Overview Submission Date and Method indicates the due date for applications is May 30, however applications will be accepted until 4:00 pm on June 14, 2023
    Under Application Narrative--Section 3: Quality Part Two PROGRAM PLAN the text contains “…to implement a new or expand existing CTE…” this is in error. Throughout the application, technical assistance and informative presentations it is stated this funding is only to create new METT Pathways.​
    To submit questions regarding the RFP please email​.

FY2023 College and Career Pathway Endorsement Coordinator Grant

FY 2021-2024 CTE Monitoring

ISBE CTE and Innovation Department monitors CTE grantees through an annual three-leveled monitoring and compliance process. All Education for Employment (EFE) Systems grantees will one of these three level reviews. A risk analysis, composed of several weighted elements and criteria, will determine the risk score and level of monitoring for each grantee.

If grantees are determined low risk, they will receive a Level 1 (L1) Review. If medium risk, the grantee will receive Level 2 (L2) Review. If high risk, the grantee will receive a Level 3 (L3) Review which will require an On-Site Visit.​​  All grantees may receive additional technical assistance upon request. 

CTE Education Career Pathway Grants

FY 2025 CTE Education Career Pathway 


CLNA Resources

To receive state or federal secondary career and technical education (CTE) funding for FY 2021 and beyond, all local funding recipients must complete a Comprehensive Local Needs Assessment (CLNA) as REQUIRED by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V).
UPDATED: Submission dates for the FY24 LNA and CLNA are March 31, 2024 (LNA) and April 30, 2024 (CLNA). Please view FY24 Needs Assessment/Local Application TimelinePDF Document for more details. 

FY 2021 CTE Consolidated Application Resources

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