{{CurrentPage.Topics.DisplayName}} {{CurrentPage.Subtopic_x0020_Level_x0020_1}}


Specific vendors have been approved by ISBE to provide learning partner services to intensive, comprehensive, and targeted schools. Title I, Part A, Section 1003 School Improvement Grant funds may be used only for direct services provided by these approved learning partners. Learning partner services must be aligned to the approved school improvement plan.

Schools can filter by topic of support or search by key word to find vendors that align with the selected parameters. Filter and search results are generated based on the services included in each vendor’s executed contract. Specific information outlining vendor services, along with pricing, is included at the end of each contract in the sections for Appendix A and Appendix B.

Using the Filter and Search Features

  • The Topics of Support filter works best when selecting a few options per search. For example, clicking 3 options will return results of learning partners that match all selected options.
  • Do not use abbreviations of terms. Search using English language arts rather than ELA. Search using social emotional learning instead of SEL.
  • A counter under the search bar will show the total number of results that match all filter options search terms or a combination of filter/search selections.

The Learning Partner Selection Rubric​PDF Document is designed to help schools review and score proposals they have requested from prospective learning partners in order to select a learning partner matched to the individual needs of the school. ​​​​


Topics of Support

Filters are applied as they are selected.

Number of Learning Partners that meet the criteria selected: {{filtered.length}}
(All Learning Partners are listed by default)


Grade Range:  {{item.GradeRange.results.join(", ")}}
Audience:  {{item.TargetAudience.results.join(", ")}}
Student Group(s):  {{item.StudentGroup.results.join(", ")}}
ESSA Indicators:  {{item.ESSAInd.results.join(", ")}}
Counties Served:  {{item.Region2}}
Contact Name and Email:  {{item.LPContactName}} or {{item.LPContactName2}}
Executed Contract:  {{item.LPName}}
Presentation:  {{item.LPName}} Presentation

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

Contact Information