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Technology and Engineering education is the study of human innovation, which provides an opportunity for students to apply and manage knowledge and resources related to the human made world. It incorporates collaborative, application-oriented, activity-based strategies used to develop creative thinking skills while solving real-world problems. The study of technology and engineering education prepares students to become lifelong contributing members of our technological society who comprehend the impact of technology and use it to improve the quality of life for all people.​


Matrices have been developed to provide a quick glance of the appropriate sequence of courses for approved programs. This matrix is only a guide to aid in the development of approved METT  programs therefore not all approved courses are listed. If you have any questions please contact Karen Lockhart.

Program Course Descriptions

Teacher Resources

Elementary S​TEM Resources Recorded Webinar and Files

Program Areas


CTE Curriculum

These are curriculum resources for Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades (METT) which were created to provide additional support for the CTE Teacher. You will find these resources broken out in modules and each module will have E-Units, Lesson Plans and Presentations. As a teacher you can customize these to fit your needs. If you have questions about these resources, please contact Deja Luckett​.​


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