This webpage is a resource for Summer Food Service Program and Child and Adult Care Food Program sponsors on the requirements of Vended Meals Contracts. In a vended meals contract, the contractor provides the meals only (prepackaged, pre-plated) and does not manage any aspect of the food service. (If you a School Food Authority, please go to Financial Management webpage for guidance.)
Currently, all vended meals contracts involving expenditures in excess of $250,000 must be competitively bid via Invitation for Bid (IFB). Sponsoring Organizations receiving federal reimbursement must follow the required federal and state procurement procedures. To ensure regulatory compliance, all Sponsoring Organizations conducting a new procurement or considering contracting for vended meals are highly encouraged to please contact our office for further information and clarification.
Provided below are links to the forms and documents to assist you in completing a successful procurement or contract renewal.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding general procurement guidance and requirements for Child Nutrition Programs, please refer to the General Procurement for All Programs page.
If you have questions regarding the bid solicitation and contract procedures or contract renewal process, please contact our office at (217) 782-2491 or (800) 545-7892 (in Illinois), or via email at