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SPP Indicator 4A: A results indicator that measures the rates of suspension/expulsion (percentage of districts that have a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions/expulsions greater than 10 cumulative days in a school year for children with IEPs).

SPP Indicator 4B: A compliance indicator that measures the rates of suspension and expulsion (percentage of districts that have [a] a significant discrepancy, by race or ethnicity, in the rate of suspensions and expulsions greater than 10 days in a school year for children with IEPs and [b] policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards.

Indicator Goal
The goal of Indicator 4 is to examine data disaggregated by race and ethnicity to determine if significant discrepancies are occurring among Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in the rate of long-term suspensions and expulsions of students with IEPs, and to determine whether LEA policies, procedures, or practices are contributing to the significant discrepancy.

4A. Percent = [(# of LEAs that meet the state-established n and/or cell size (if applicable) that have a significant discrepancy, as defined by the state, in the rates of suspensions and expulsions for more than 10 days during the school year of children with IEPs) divided by the (# of LEAs in the state that meet the state-established n and/or cell size (if applicable))] times 100.

4B. Percent = [(# of LEAs that meet the state-established n and/or cell size (if applicable) for one or more racial/ethnic groups that have: (a) a significant discrepancy, as defined by the state, by race or ethnicity, in the rates of suspensions and expulsions of more than 10 days during the school year of children with IEPs; and (b) policies, procedures or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy, as defined by the state, and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards) divided by the (# of LEAs in the state that meet the state-established n and/or cell size (if applicable) for one or more racial/ethnic groups)] times 100.

The state-specific calculations are:

  • District Level: Total # of students with IEPs with more than 10 cumulative days of Qualifying Suspensions/Expulsions in the district times 100 divided by the total number of students with IEPs in the district.
  • State Level: Total # of students with IEPs with more than 10 cumulative days of Qualifying Suspensions/Expulsions in the state times 100 divided by the total number of students with IEPs in the state.

The calculations are performed for the race subgroup at district and state levels if there are five or more students in the subgroup.

A statewide standard deviation is calculated for total population using the formula: Square root (percentage expelled or suspended times (100- percent expelled or suspended)/total enrollment).

For 4A, a district is considered to have a significant discrepancy if the district rate is greater than the state rate plus 1 standard deviation for three consecutive years AND there are at least five students with IEPs suspended or expelled more than 10 days in each of the three school years.

For 4B a district is considered to have a significant discrepancy if the district rate within a particular race/ethnicity subgroup is greater than the state rate plus 1 standard deviation for three consecutive years AND there are at least five students with IEPs within a particular race/ethnicity suspended or expelled more than 10 days in each of the three school years. The district is considered to have a significant discrepancy if the above conditional is met by at least one racial subgroup.

Data Source
The federal data source is data collected under section 618 of the IDEA (Report of Children with Disabilities Subject to Disciplinary Removal). This includes FS006 Children with Disabilities Suspensions/Expulsions, FS002 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) School Age, and FS089 Children with Disabilities (IDEA) Early Childhood. The ISBE data source is the Student Information System (SIS) Discipline De-identified Table.

Targets for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020-25
SPP 4A - FFY20 target of 3.80%
SPP 4A - FFY21 target of 3.60%
SPP 4A - FFY22 target of 3.40%
SPP 4A - FFY23 target of 3.20%
SPP 4A - FFY24 target of 3.20%
SPP 4A - FFY25 target of 3.00%
SPP 4B – FFY20-25 target of 0%

Findings of N​oncompliance
SPP/APR data for this indicator is verified by the SPP coordinator, data manager, and SPP team leader in late February/early March. Self-assessments are distributed to the districts that meet ISBE’s criteria for significant discrepancy between March 15 and April 1 and are returned to ISBE for review no later than June 1. Written findings of noncompliance are issued annually by June 30 to districts that have a significant discrepancy and policies, procedures, or practices that contribute to the significant discrepancy and do not comply with requirements relating to the development and implementation of IEPs, the use of positive behavioral interventions and supports, and procedural safeguards.​

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