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Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics

STEAM programs by design support students' and teachers' development of key competencies that underpin authentic STEAM learning. This occurs with integration and application of content knowledge, skills, and dispositions across academic content areas of science and math and incorportates technology, engineering, and art to strategically focus and align STEAM programs with current or future career pathways while equipping students with the skills needed to enter the workforce after graduation.  STEAM learning environments foster collaboration; creativity; problem-solving; open-inquiry; experimentation; and communication, all of which impact students' social, emotional, and reasoning growth.​


Program Background/History:

The School STEAM Grant Program is created with funds raised by the Illinois lottery.  The Illinois lottery established a specialty instant scratch-off ticket of which a percentage of funds are allocated to promote school STEAM programming.  Please go to the Illinois lottery law for additional information.

Program Objectives:

With a focus on increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEAM education and instruction, programs will provide opportunities that increase and broaden teacher capacities to support STEAM instruction and student participation in STEAM programs.  This includes supporting students' and teachers' development of key competencies that underpin authentic STEAM programs such as integration and application of content knowledge, skills, and dispositions across disciplines.  More importantly, STEAM learning environments foster collaboration, creativity, problem-solving, open inquiry, experimentation, and communication as well as impact students' social, emotional, and reasoning growth.​​​


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