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Charter Schools

Number of Charter Schools Permitted

In Illinois, the number of charter schools permitted to operate in the State is established by Section 27A-4 o​f th​e Charter Schools Law (105 ILCS 5/27A-4). Under this Section of the Charter Schools Law, the total number of charter schools operating at any one time in the State shall not exceed 120. Not more than 70 charter schools shall operate at any one time in any city having a population exceeding 500,000 (i.e., Chicago, District 299) and not more than 45 charter schools shall operate at any one time in the remainder of the State, with not more than one charter school that has been initiated by a board of education, or by an intergovernmental agreement between or among boards of education, operating at any one time in the school district where the charter school is located. In addition to these charter schools, up to but no more than 5 charter schools devoted exclusively to re-enrolled high school dropouts may operate at any one time in any city having a population exceeding 500,000 (i.e., Chicago, District 299).

The number of charter schools that have been approved to operate pursuant to the Charter Schools Law and that are currently operating are listed below (see "Number of Charter Schools"). ​

Standards and Assessment

Trend Data

Teacher Quality​

  • Achieving Equity in Teacher Distribution
  • Core Academic Classes Taught by Teachers Who Are Highly Qualified

Average Statewide School Gains from 2010 to 2011

Average Statewide School Gains from 2010 to 2011 in 'all students' Category and Subgroups

Student Group Reading Math
Overall -0.1 0.8
White -0.2 0.4
Black 0.2 1.1
Hispanic -0.2 1.1
Asian -0.6 0.6
Native American -20.0 9.1
Multi-Racial 0.7 1.3
LEP -2.9 -1.0
Migrant -1.2 5.9
IEP 0.4 1.2
Economically Disadvantaged 1.0 1.7
​ ​
Schools in Federal Improvement Status Reading Math
# of schools have 2010 and 2011 assessment data 1221 1221
# of schools made progress from 2010 in 'all students' group and each subgroup 252 286
% of schools made progress from 2010 in 'all students' group and each subgroup 20.6 23.4

Charter School Reading Math
# of charter schools have 2010 and 2011 assessment data 35 35
# of schools made progress from 2010 in 'all students' group and each subgroup 10 9
% of schools made progress from 2010 in 'all students' group and each subgroup 28.6 25.7​

IEP and LEP Participation in state Assessments in Math and Reading

Teacher Quality

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