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The Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Act (PWR Act) includes transitional math, which is built around stand-alone or embedded courses that increase college readiness for high school seniors. Their key feature is the guaranteed placement a student receives upon successful completion of the courses at all community colleges and universities in Illinois that accept such work. Community colleges and high schools work in partnership to create courses that incorporate the required competencies and policies. These courses emphasize authentic learning experiences aligned with careers as well as a student’s life and future coursework. The goal is to provide high school seniors with a new experience that is motivating and valuable in respect to the college placement achieved. Scaling transitional math according to the PWR Act is a collaborative effort by multiple state agencies and organizations in Illinois.

Please visit the official transitional math website, where you can find other important transitional math information. ​


The Implementation PlanPDF Document is now available.

The Transitional Math Implementation Plan was created in 2018 via a collaborative effort by the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois Board of Higher Education. We understand that the pandemic created unique challenges and barriers to the implementation of transitional math programming for some school districts. Additionally, we are pleased to share with you that a state-approved virtual course is under development for school districts to utilize in the near future. The current Implementation Plan is being updated to integrate more flexibility for implementation policies at the local level and make changes that are necessary due to the pandemic. School districts will be allowed additional time to implement transitional math so they will be in compliance with the law. The updated Implementation Plan will be released once details pertaining to the approved virtual course are finalized.

State Portability

Students receive guaranteed placement at any Illinois community college upon successful completion of a transitional course that has been approved for statewide portability. The procedures for statewide portability require demonstration that the relevant competencies are addressed, and the required policies are met. Success is based on the mastery of the process and content competencies, which demonstrates readiness for college courses, instead of a single test score.

The Statewide Portability Panel will respond to each partnership following the spring or fall panel meeting with a confirmation of approval or comments pertaining to changes that should be made to gain portability. Decisions granted are approved, conditional approval, not enough information, or returned. Each course gaining approval by the Statewide Portability Panel ensures statewide portability for all high schools in the partnership that are offering that course.

Approved Partnerships (Updated November 2022)

Portability Documents

Upcoming Portability Panels

  • Fall Math Panel Meeting - Friday, December 13, 2024​

Professional Learning Opportunities

To assist in the implementation of transitional mathematics, the Illinois State Board of Education is creating the following opportunities for professional learning.

An updated library of short informational webinars is available at covering specific topics within transitional math, such as overview, the pathways, advising, resources, and portability.  They are available on the state's transitional math website.

In addition to the webinar series, ISBE will offer a series of transitional math professional learning modules online for instructors, administrators, and counselors. Professional development hours are available per request upon completion.

ISBE is also available to provide in-person professional learning upon request with districts, teacher and curriculum leaders, community college partners, Regional Offices of Education, and other groups such as Education for Employment systems interested in learning about transitional math instruction and implementation.

All professional learning opportunities and resources offered through ISBE are free of charge.  For additional information or to request a professional learning experience from ISBE, please email

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