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In efforts to reduce the substitute teacher shortage, ISBE is now offering a reimbursement of the application fee to qualifying applicants.​

If you…

To Qualify:

  • Your Sub issuance date must be later than July 1, 2017
  • You must work at least 10 full school days within one year of your issuance date
  • You must apply for the reimbursement within 18 months of your issuance date
  • Educators will receive a $50 refund if they have worked 10 days on the substitute teaching license and a $25 refund if they have worked 10 days on the short-term substitute teaching license

If you meet these requirements, please complete form 73-02: Substitute License Fee Refund RequestPDF Document. This form must be returned to ISBE by the school or district official. Forms submitted by the applicant will not be honored.​​​​


An applicant who has applied for a credential but now needs to request a refund for one of the reasons listed below can do so by completing ISBE 95-10 Application Fee Refund Request Form​NOTE:  Refund requests will only be considered for applications that are in “Pending Review (PR)” status and the request is received within seven days of the application date. 
  • Applied for wrong license/endorsement/approval
  • Applied for wrong grade range
  • No longer need a credential
  • Meant to renew, but applied for new credential in error
  • Applied for credential prior to being entitled by an Illinois institution*
    *Seven-day timeline does not apply

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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