The Illinois State Board of Education has created the Teacher Assignability Tool – an interactive tool that can be used by district and school administrators, regional offices of education/intermediate service centers, and educators to determine what credentials an individual must hold for a particular assignment. Users will start by indicating if the assignment in question is for a teacher, a substitute teacher, or a paraprofessional. Users will then be led through a wizard of questions before arriving at a final screen listing the qualifications the educator must meet to teach the position in question. After viewing the
required qualifications, users can click on each credential to see requirements that must be met to earn it, and click “View Teacher Credentials in ELIS” to see where these credentials will be listed in a teacher’s ELIS account.
In what role will this individual be teaching?
Substitute Teacher
For how many consecutive days will the individual be subbing?
Will the individual be subbing in a career and technical education classroom?
In what grade span will this teacher be teaching?
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