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​​Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs in Illinois provide instruction for careers in high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand occupations. CTE programs continue to strengthen students’ technical skills; articulate transitions to postsecondary programs, employment or both; assist in meeting the Illinois Learning Standards; and close achievement gaps.​​​​​​

News and Updates​

CTE Funding Formula

​ISBE is developing a new funding formula for the CTE state funds. On June 6, CTE staff presented to the Finance and Audit Board Subcommittee regarding the revision to the methodology for the Career and Technical Education State Funding.

All updates to the formula will be shared publicly on this page.

For contact information,​ send email to​​​​

Data and Reports



Industry Recognized Credentials

CTE Industry-Recognized Credentials list and feedback form​​

Industry Recognized CredentialsThis file is a collection of recommended Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) PDF Documentin Career and Technical Education pathways that students may earn during or immediately following high school. Credentials included here should be those that employers recognize as favorable or preferential when recruiting, hiring, promoting, and retaining their workforce. The list is meant to be flexible and continuously updated; therefore we encourage and welcome feedback from industries hiring in CTE career pathways. There are tabs sorted by career areas--Information Technology, Health Sciences Technology, Finance and Business Services, Arts & Communication, Agriculture, Foods and Natural Resources; Manufacturing, Engineering, Technology and Trades; Human and Public Services. Please use the feedback form if you are an industry representative offering feedback. Do not use this form if you are a seller/provider of credentialing.

Equity, Access, and Special Populations


  • Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Opportunities
  • UDL Resources
  • UDL 2020 Series​
  • Illinois K-12 Title IX Survey
    ​Illinois State Board of Education is conducting a statewide survey to collect contact information of individuals responsible for ensuring Title IX compliance within each district. Results of this survey will assist ISBE with developing a directory of Title IX officials and to determine what professional learning opportunities, guidance, and technical assistance should be made available related to Title IX compliance. ISBE requests that each district’s Title IX official complete the Illinois K-12 Title IX Survey.

Special Populations

Methods of Administration Civil Rights Review

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

Contact Information