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Welcome to the Educator Supply and Demand Page. This page ​contains enhancements for the triennial Educator Supply and Demand Report required per School Code [105 ILCS 5/2-3.11c]. The data here addresses the relative supply and demand for education staff in Illinois public schools. The PDF version of the reports can also be found below.  The data is sourced from ISBE, the Educator Information System (EIS), Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS), Student Information System (SIS), and the Unfilled Position Survey. Those data collections and surveys collect data from school districts throughout the state on at least an annual basis and much more frequently in some cases.

Specifically, this data provides information on:

  1. the relative supply and demand for teachers, administrators, and other licensed  and non-licensed personnel by field, content area, and levels;
  2. state and regional analyses of fields, content areas, and levels with an over/undersupply of educators; and
  3. projections of likely high/low demand for educators in a manner sufficient to advise the public, individuals, and institutions regarding career opportunities in education.​​

2016-2018 Educator Supply and Demand Report

The Educator Supply and Demand data enhancement below has several pages:

Historical Reports


The Illinois State Board of Education is required to report on or before January 1 to the Governor, the General Assembly and institutions of higher education on the relative supply and demand for education staff of the public schools. In 2009, the requirement for reporting was changed from “each year” to “every three years.”

As required, this report provides the following information:

  1. The relative supply and demand for teachers, administrators and other certificated, and non-certificated personnel by field, content area and levels;
  2. State and regional analyses of fields, content areas and levels with an over/under supply of educators; and
  3. Projections of likely high/low demand for educators in a manner sufficient to advise the public, individuals and institutions regarding career opportunities in education.​


* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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