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The federal reauthorization of the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act named Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act also known as Perkins V was signed into law by the President on July 31, 2018. The purpose of this Act is to develop more fully the academic knowledge and technical and employability skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in CTE​ programs and programs of study. Perkins V requires secondary, postsecondary and business/industry to work together to strengthen career and technical education for students.

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Perkins V Timeline

  • Spring 2019 State Plan Work Group Convenes and Provides Recommendations to Inform Plan
  • May 2019 Submit Transition Plan (FY2020)
  • Summer 2019 Release Performance Targets for 60-day Public Comment Period
  • Fall 2019 State Plan Draft 1 (w/ local application and comprehensive needs assessment) released for 30-day Public Comment Period
  • Winter 2019-2020 State Plan Draft 2 and CTE Program Quality Indicators and Performance Levels released for Public Comment Periods
  • April 15 After Integrating All Feedback, Board Approvals, and Governor’s Signature, Submit State Plan to USDOE

Perkins V 2020-2024

Perkins V 2023 ForumPDF Document

Perkins V Stakeholder Feedback on Illinois State Perkins FY 25-28 Plan

ISBE and ICCB wants to ensure we have captured everyone's feedback on the state plan revisions. For an all inclusive document, even if you provided feedback before, please provide it again. On this link, provide your thoughts on the current plan as to what went well and what suggested changes in our state plan for FY 2025-2028. The PowerPoint and state plan is what was shared at the Forum for Excellence.


Program Memo: Notification of Perkins Accountability Waiver of Subsequent Action - May 20, 2021​PDF Document

Revised State D​etermined Level of Performance (SDLP) Postsecondary Perkins 1P1 Performance Indicator - Open for Public Comment

The public comment period is open for the proposed revised State Determined Level of Performance (SDLP) Postsecondary Perkins 1P1 Performance Indicator. Public comment is required for all changes made to the State Plan, including the SDLPs, and must be garnered within 60 days of the submission of the State Plan to the U.S. Department of Education [Section 113 (b)(3)(A)(iii)(B)(ii)PDF Document].

Performance Indicator 1P1: Post Program Placement

Definition: The percentage of CTE concentrators who, during the second quarter after program completion, remain enrolled in postsecondary education, are in advanced training, military service, or a service program that receives assistance under title I of the National and Community Service Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12511 et seq.), are volunteers as described in Section 5(a) of the Peace Corps Act (22 U.S.C. 2504(a)), or are placed or retained in employment.

The proposed adjustment for the federal fiscal year 2020/state fiscal reporting year 2021 SDPL for 1P1 (Post-Program Placement) is to decrease the current SDLP of 69% to 64%. The ICCB’s rationale for this change is as follows:

  • At this time, states are only required to revise the first year of the SDLPs, and will have the ability to revise the other years as needed. The ICCB has made the decision to revise only the first year, with the understanding that more data will be made available in the coming months to make more accurate projections for the remainder of the SDLPs (69.4%, 69.8%, and 70.4%, respectively). The ICCB does not anticipate the need to revise performance indicators 2P1 or 3P1 for this coming reporting year.

The public comment period is open from March 22, 2021 – April 21, 2021. Submit your feedback here.


As part of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) legislation effective July 01, 2019, states were required to develop a new Perkins State Plan. This Plan was developed in consultation with stakeholders from around the state, who provided feedback on all aspects of the Plan, including the proposed State Determined Levels of Performance. Contrary to years past, under Perkins V, states are able to set their own SDLPs (based on evidentiary support), as opposed to negotiating these levels with the U.S. Department of Education. In order to make any changes to these levels of performance, states must once again put the proposed revised SDLPs out for a 30 day public comment period.

Here is a link to the approved Illinois Perkins V State PlanPDF Document. The section that is being proposed for revision is Section X. Accountability, b. Postsecondary SDLPs on page 89.

Here is a link to the approved Illinois Perkins V State Plan​PDF Document. The section that is being proposed for revision is Section X. Accountability, b. Postsecondary SDLPs on page 89.

COVID-19 Fiscal Waiver - Perkins

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) released an expedited waiver opportunity for the extension of Perkins funding. The approval process for this waiver was expedited due to the pandemic.  This meant that the public comment period, required when waivers are submitted to ED in other instances, could occur after the submission of an application. 

ISBE applied and received approval for the Perkins waiver. While the waiver application and approval process was expedited, ED requests that States still collect public comment.  The application ISBE submitted is linked below. Please submit any comments on the Perkins Fiscal waiver application by June 27, 2020 to


The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) want to thank you for your feedback on Illinois’ Perkins Draft State Plan for Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V). The final state plan was submitted by April 15, 2020 to the U.S. Department of Education (ED) after Governor Pritzker and ISBE and ICCB Board approval. The plan was approved by ED on May 22, 2020.

Perkins CTE Transition Plan

Webinars and Presentations

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