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The State Board's rules cover a wide range of topics and are subject to change in response to legislation and other policymaking decisions. At any given time, several sets of the rules are likely to be undergoing revision. For this reason, we have set up this site to provide two separate sets of information.

Rules Currently in Effect

This link will take you to a list of all the State Board's rules as they are currently in force. You can click on the title of any set of rules to review the complete text.

Proposed Rules and Amendments

This link will take you to a chart showing all the agency's pending rulemaking actions. You can choose a brief summary of the action being taken or review the complete text of the proposed rules or amendments.

Download Adobe ReaderNote: To correctly view the Rules, you need to upgrade/download the free Adobe Reader, click on the icon at right and follow the instructions. To begin using these files, choose either of the links above.  To view any set of rules, click on its title.  To search any set of rules for a keyword, open the document and then click on the binoculars icon ("Find") on the Adobe toolbar.  Fill in your keyword in the space provided.  To search for the next place where the same word appears, click the "Find Again" icon (immediately to the right of the "Find" binoculars)​

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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