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Who can administer the ACCESS, WIDA Screener, and/or Pre-K Screeners?

ACCESS for ELLs (the secure state approved annual assessment for English language proficiency), the WIDA Screener, and various Pre-K screeners are to be administered by licensed instructional personnel (teachers with a Professional Educator License (PEL) as well as teachers holding an Educator License with Stipulations-Transitional Bilingual Educator (ELS-TBE)) or licensed non-instructional personnel (coordinators, program directors, school psychologists, speech and language therapists, assistant principals, principals, assistant superintendents and superintendents) who have completed the required training and meet certification requirements for the instrument to be administered (ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 or the WIDA Screener).

Additional flexibility may be granted to school districts whose unusual circumstances warrant the need to secure additional staff to support their efforts to assess English learners. In such cases, they may contract licensed personnel who have been trained and certified to administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

Who cannot administer the ACCESS, WIDA Screener, and/or Pre-K Screeners?

Licensed individuals who have not been trained and certified to administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners cannot administer the corresponding test. Each assessment/screener requires specific training.

Individuals who only hold a Substitute Teaching License cannot administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or Pre-K screeners.

Paraprofessionals who only hold paraprofessional credentials, such as an Educator License with Stipulations-Paraprofessional (ELS-PARA), cannot administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

Can substitute teachers administer the ACCESS, WIDA Screener, and/or Pre-K Screener?

Individuals who only hold a Substitute Teaching License cannot administer the ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

However, individuals that meet ALL of the criteria listed below may administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

  • The individual has been hired by the district on a long-term substitute basis to fill in for a teacher who is out on extended leave due to illness, maternity leave, or any such leave officially approved by the employing district, and
  • The individual's assigned duties must include all duties customarily performed by the regular teacher such as lesson planning, other state mandated test administration and report card generation, and
  • The individual must hold a license for the grade level (a Professional Educator License (PEL) or an Educator License with Stipulations-Transitional Bilingual Educator (ELS-TBE)) and meet state assignment requirements, and
  • The individual must complete the required training and meet certification requirements for the instrument to be administered (ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screener).

Can paraprofessionals administer the ACCESS, WIDA Screener, and/or Pre-K Screener?

Paraprofessionals who only hold paraprofessional (ELS-PARA) credentials cannot administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

However, individuals that meet ALL of the criteria listed below may administer ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screeners.

  • The individual has been hired by the district as a paraprofessional, and
  • The individual must hold a current teaching license for the grade level (a Professional Educator License (PEL) or an Educator License with Stipulations-Transitional Bilingual Educator (ELS-TBE)) and meet state assignment requirements, and
  • The individual must complete the required training and meet certification requirements for the instrument to be administered (ACCESS for ELLs, WIDA Screener, or various Pre-K screener).

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