{{CurrentPage.Topics.DisplayName}} {{CurrentPage.Subtopic_x0020_Level_x0020_1}}


​​Renamed from Educational Entities Lookup

Region County District Type Schools (RCDTS) - it is the 15-digit code broken down R=00 C=000 D=0000 T=00 S=0000.

A lookup form of entities that provide direct services to K-12 students in Illinois. It includes Private and Public Schools, Public Districts and other Public Units (i.e., Regional Programs, Dept. of Corrections, Special Ed Cooperatives and Vocational schools).​​​​

Instructions:  To filter by category, select one or more categories on the left. The filter will be applied immediately. To search by text, type the text in the search box and then click the search button. If a category is selected and text is in the search box, both filters will be applied.

Please wait while the data is loaded.


  • {{sub.label}}

Your search did not return any data. Please modify your search parameters.

Facility Name:  {{item.cds_fac_name}}

RCDTS Code:  {{item.cds_rcdts}}

Facility Address:  {{item.cds_addr}}

District Name:  {{item.cds_dist_name}}

Category:  {{item.cds_cat}}

Facility City:  {{item.cds_city}}

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