The ISBE Accountability TAC brings together experts and leaders with broad experience developing, implementing, and/or validating statewide school accountability systems. By design, the ISBE Accountability TAC includes professionals from in state and others external to Illinois, in order to provide both a local and national perspective.
The central purpose of the TAC is to provide advice and recommendations to ISBE to inform the design, implementation, and evaluation of Illinois’ ESSA accountability system. The National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment (The Center) will facilitate TAC meetings and produce meeting notes, as well as a culminating report documenting the work and recommendations of the TAC.
Members Include:
- TAC Members:
- Jeff Broom, Chicago Public Schools
- Ellen Forte, CEO & Chief Scientist, edCount, LLC
- Laura Hamilton, AIR
- Jim Pellegrino, University of Illinois at Chicago
- Mike Russell, Boston College
- Diana Zaleski, Illinois Education Association
- Center for Assessment: Chris Domaleski, Will Lorié