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A number of Illinois’ children have parents in the military that have experienced at least one deployment.

While many children of military families are doing well, schools need to be responsive to the unique needs of these children and provide them with a safe haven and access to any additional supports they may need. This can be done through a Comprehensive System of Learning Supports that promotes the necessary conditions for learning and addresses any barriers to learning.

Some classroom interventions for students who have parents that are deployed:

  • Focus on the student and classroom learning
  • Provide structure
  • Maintain objectivity (i.e., respond to events in a calm and caring way and refrain from expressing negative opinions)
  • Reinforce safety and security
  • Be patient
  • Be sensitive to language and cultural needs
  • Acknowledge and validate feelings
  • Reinforce anger management

Source- Educator’s Guide for Military ChildrenPDF Document

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