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​Civil rights reviews allow the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and LEAs to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence throughout Illinois.  ISBE recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the operations of a LEA.  As a primary recipient of federal financial assistance ISBE is responsible for civil rights administration and compliance.  Civil Rights Reviews, conducted by ISBE are part of a proactive effort to ensure school and district operations are being completed on an equal opportunity basis in compliance with Federal civil rights laws, rules, and regulations.​


​EFEs are selected for review by using the following criteria to assign points based on:

  1. Subrecipient enrollment by sex compared to CTE enrollment by sex;
  2. Subrecipient enrollment by disability compared to CTE enrollment by disability;
  3. Subrecipient enrollment by race compared to CTE enrollment by race.


​​Prior to the Review

  1. The ISBE requests materials to be submitted for review prior to the on-site visit.
  2. Technical assistance and professional development is scheduled and conducted.
  3. Requested materials are reviewed by members of the ISBE/ICSPS review team.

During the Review

  1. ISBE/ICSPS staff will meet with various groups including administrators/staff, faculty, and students to discuss district policies and practices related to areas covered by relevant civil rights laws.
  2. ISBE/ICSPS staff will tour the campus to examine compliance with accessibility standards
  3. ISBE/ICSPS staff will tour school sites in the district that have CTE programs

After the Review

  1. ISBE staff will thoroughly analyze all information collected as part of the review.
  2. The EFE will receive A Letter of Findings (LOF)
    • The LOF compiles the results of the review and outlines any issues of noncompliance
    • Issued to the EFE within 60 days of the on-site review
  3. The EFE will use a template provided by ISBE to create a Voluntary Compliance Plan (VCP)
    • The VCP must address each area of noncompliance and provide an action plan for correcting the finding.
    • The VCP template is provided simultaneously with the LOF.
    • The EFE must submit the VCP to ISBE within 45 days of issuance of the LOF.
  4. Once the VCP is approved by the ISBE, the EFE shall periodically submit documentation verifying completion of each finding. ​

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