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​The Illinois Board of Higher Education, the Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois State Board of Education collaborated to create a new endorsement for nine dual credit disciplines. A Dual Credit Endorsement, as designated in 110 ILCS 27/Dual Credit Quality Act is an endorsement valid for grades 11-12 to be placed on the Professional Educator License (PEL) at the request of an educator who meets the appropriate credential standards. 

The Content Specific Endorsement will be a recognized credential that will help with the portability of approved coursework for qualified high school dual credit teachers across the State of Illinois. 

The nine dual credit areas include:

To obtain a dual credit endorsement:

  1. Step
    QMD or 18 Credit Hours:  
    The teacher completes a Qualified Master's Degree or any master's degree with 18 graduate credit hours of coursework within the discipline. 

  2. Step
    Application & Fee:  
    The teacher completes the Endorsement Application and pays the $50 fee in the Educator Licensure Information System (ELIS)​

  3. Step
    Transcript Verification:  
    The teacher takes a copy of their transcripts and completed application to their hiring institution* for verification.
    *Community College Chief Academic Officer or University Provost's Office

  4. Step
    Send to ROE:  
    ​The COA or Provost sends the form to the Regional Office of Education for sign off.
    *If the teacher's ROE is Region 15 (City of Chicago), the form may be emailed to​.

  5. Step
    ROE Action:  
    The Regional Office of EducationPDF Document uploads the form to the teacher's ELIS account.

  6. Step
    Endorsement Issued:  
    ​Upon receipt of the form in ELIS, the Endorsement is auto issued.​​​

Illinois State Board of Education
Illinois Community College Board

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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