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​ISBE Early Childhood Services Department ​supports professional development projects through Early Childhood Block Grant funds and IDEA Part B Discretionary funds.  These projects provide professional development and technical assistance regarding early childhood education at no cost to programs. Select the project links for more information.​

 Baby Talk

2900 Ogden Avenue
Lisle, IL 06532

 Gateways to Opportunity

Scholarship funds are available for Preschool for All funded programs!

  1. Learn more about the Gateways Scholarship Program and how it can pay up to 100% of your tuition.
  2. Review the Gateways Scholarship requirements.
  3. Apply online or by submitting your application via mail.

To speak with a Gateways Scholarship counselor, call 866.697.8278​ or email​

 Illinois Action for Children

Illinois Action for Children provides a statewide training and technical assistance system to build community collaboration’s capacity to continuously improve local early childhood systems. The Community Systems of Statewide Supports project ensures that local communities are working to help children birth through five—especially those from low-income or families with multiple needs—receive the support they need to enter kindergarten healthy, safe, ready to succeed, and eager to learn.

 Illinois STAR NET

Illinois STAR NET
Illinois STARnet provides a variety of opportunities for personal and professional growth for those who touch the lives of young children, ages birth through eight, with an emphasis on children with special needs. STARnet supports family-centered, researched and effective practices in early childhood education and care.​

 The Center: Early Childhood Professional Learning

 Workforce Initiative

Illinois’ Early Childhood Education and Care Workforce is being supported through many state initiatives. Please refer to the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development for updated resources, reports and scholarship opportunities.

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