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The Legislative Requirements/References of the Family Engagement Framework describes specific mandated school and/or district actions that fall under each Essential Element. Citations for specific laws and regulations follow each required activity.

(Disclaimer: Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of legislative requirements. Districts and schools should reference the actual regulations to ensure adherence to the law.)​


 Comprehensive Planning

​Conduct parent input meetings and/or surveys with the required response rate (for Special Education Self-Review).[20 USC 1416(a)(3)(A)]

Coordinate and integrate parent involvement strategies under

  • Title I;
  • Head Start/Early Head Start;
  • Even Start;
  • Parents as Teachers;
  • Home Interaction Program for Preschool Youngsters; state preschools.

[20 USC 6318(a)(2)(D)]

Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support to school staff for including families as participants in local educational agency (LEA) and school governance and decision making.[20 USC 6318(a)(2)(B)]

Evaluate the content and effectiveness of the parent involvement policy:

  • Identify barriers to participation, especially for diverse parents.
  • Use findings to design more effective strategies.
  • Revise parent involvement policies, as needed.

Refers specifically to Title I, [20 USC 6318(a)(2)(E)]

Coordinate and integrate parent involvement activities with

  • public preschool;
  • other public educational programs;
  • parent resource centers.
[[20 USC 6318(e)(4)]


Consult parents as programs are being developed[20 USC 7424(c)]

Send notice of and hold regular meetings to obtain recommendations of parents of English learners.[20 USC 7012(e)(2)]

Provide parents with timely information about schools and students in a language and format that they can understand.[20 USC 6318(f)]

Provide parent involvement policy to parents in an understandable and uniform format.[20 USC 6318(a)(2) and (f)]

Inform parents of English learners how they can be involved in the education of their children.[20 USC 7012(e)(1)]

Meet parent notification requirements (under Titles I, III, IX, and X; Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act; and IDEA).[20 USC 7012(b)]

Conduct parent input meetings and/or surveys with the required response rate (for Special Education Self-Review).[20 USC 1416(a)(3)(A)

Provide other reasonable support for parent involvement activities as parents may request.[20 USC 6318(e)(14)]

No administrative certificates and endorsements will be issued only to those who have: (i) an understanding of the knowledge called for in establishing productive parent-school relationships and of the procedures fostering the involvement which such relationships demand; As used in this subsection: “establishing productive parent-school relationships" means the ability to maintain effective communication between parents and school personnel, to encourage parental involvement in schooling, and to motivate school personnel to engage parents in encouraging student achievement, including the development of programs and policies which serve to accomplish this purpose.[(105 ILCS 5/21-7.1)]


​Inform parents of English learners how they can be involved in the education of their children. [20 USC 7012(e)(1)]


​Provide training and resources to parents on:
  • content standards;
  • academic achievement standards;
  • academic assessment;
  • parent involvement requirements;
  • monitoring academic progress;
  • working with teachers.

[20 USC 6318(e)(1)]

Provide information to families [20 USC 6318(e)(1)] and materials and training to help parents work with their children [20 USC 6318(e)(2); [20 USC 6318d(2),(4),(7)] Conduct other activities to encourage and support parents, including parent resource centers.[20 USC 6318(e)(4)]

Student Achievement has been prepared with review and advice from appropriate parent/community advisory committees. [20 USC 6312(g)(1)(B)(2),20 USC 7012]

 Instruction: Special Education Legislative Mandates

​Agency shall obtain informed consent from the parent prior to providing any special education and related services. [34 CFR 300.300, Parental Consent] IEP teams consider the strengths of the child and the concerns of the parents when developing IEP activities and goals. [34 CFR 300.322, Parent Participation]A parent may revoke consent for the district to provide special education services at any time after the initial consent for services has been provided. Revocation may be provided orally or in writing. [23 IAC 226.540PDF Document; 34 CFR 300.300, Parental Consent]​​​


​Provide training and resources to parents on:
  • content standards;
  • academic achievement standards;
  • academic assessment;
  • parent involvement requirements;
  • monitoring academic progress;
  • working with teachers.
[20 USC 6318(e)(1)]

 Assessment: Special Education Legislative Mandates

​Parents have the right to request an independent educational evaluation of their child at district expense when they disagree with the evaluation conducted. [23 IAC 226.180, Independent Educational Evaluation]PDF Document, [Section 14-8.02 (b) of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/14-8.02], [34 CFR 300.502, Independent Educational Evaluation]

Agency shall provide notice to parents about any proposed evaluation procedures. [23 IAC 226.110, Evaluation Procedures]PDF Document

Agency shall make reasonable effort to obtain consent prior to conducting a re-evaluation. Agency must document reasonable efforts to obtain consent. [34 CFR 300.300, Parental Consent]​​

 Professional Development

​​Educate staff in the value of parent involvement, outreach to parents, communication with parents, partnering, implementing parent programs, and building ties between parents and the school. [20 USC 6318(e)(3)]​

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