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​Created by Public Act 099-0432PDF Document, the Illinois Attendance Commission was created within the State Board of Education to study the issue of chronic absenteeism in this State and make recommendations for strategies to prevent chronic absenteeism. The Commission has the following duties:

  • Identify strategies, mechanisms, and approaches to help parents, educators, principals, superintendents, and the State Board of Education address and prevent chronic absenteeism and shall recommend to the General Assembly and State Board of Education:
    1. a standard for attendance and chronic absenteeism, defining attendance as a calculation of standard clock hours in a day that equal a full day based on instructional minutes for both a half day and a full day per learning environment;
    2. mechanisms to improve data systems to monitor and track chronic absenteeism across this State in a way that identifies trends from prekindergarten through grade 12 and allows the identification of students who need individualized chronic absenteeism prevention plans;
    3. mechanisms for reporting and accountability for schools and districts across this State, including creating multiple measure indexes for reporting;
    4. best practices for utilizing attendance and chronic absenteeism data to create multi-tiered systems of support and prevention that will result in students being ready for college and career; and
    5. new initiatives and responses to ongoing challenges presented by chronic absenteeism.
  • Hold hearings on a periodic basis to receive testimony from the public regarding attendance;
  • Submit an annual report to the General Assembly and the State Board of Education no later than December 15 of each year through December 15, 2020. ​

Commission meetings will take place from 10 a.m. - noon at the following two locations with v-tel conferencing (unless otherwise noted*):

Springfield Location Chicago Location
Illinois State Board of Education
100 North First Street
V-Tel Room (3rd Floor)
Illinois State Board of Education
James R. Thompson Center
V-Tel Room (14th Floor)​

 Resources and Links


Attendance Commission Members

Attendance Commission Rules of Procedure

Annual Reports

Early Childhood Resources





* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

Contact Information