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The Illinois State Course System was developed to collect and store Illinois State course information. Only two types of users are able to access the system, ISBE Administrators and Employment for Education (EFE) directors. The reports contained in the Illinois State Course System can also be accessed via the Student Information System (SIS). The State Course System is divided into​ 23 Subject AreasPDF Document.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses are identified by the Education for Employment (EFE) directors in the Illinois State Course System before Student Course Assignments are entered into the Student Information System (SIS). The EFE directors access the course classification System to identify which courses are awarded CTE funding for districts within their region. Once this identification has taken place for the school year, the school districts can access the courses identified by the EFE Directors using the Student Information System Reports. EFE Directors will use the resources listed in the "Course Catalogs" bar below.

 Data Elements, Approved Codes and Indicators

The information is organized into the following individual documents. (All in PDF format unless otherwise noted)

 User Manual

The CTEC User Manual introduces the user to the CTEC system and provides the instruction to enable each user to utilize the system effectively in a short period of time. It explains how to accomplish the most common tasks and utilize the special CTEC features.

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