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The purpose of this online form is to inform agricultural educators, program administrators, and community stakeholders by previewing the quality indicators for the upcoming FY2026 Agricultural Education Incentive Funding Grant application. This form could be used by educators to gather the information needed to complete the application before the release of the official electronically accessible application portal. While changes are not anticipated, this document does not prohibit the ISBE adjusting application components based on program needs. Please refer the directions below prior to viewing the remainder of the document. While application procedure will align with prior years, some small changes have been made to the quality indicators and this application preview is in a different format than prior versions. Questions can be addressed to FCAE or ISBE.​

The purpose of this application is to provide a comprehensive assessment of the agricultural education program based on nine program goals outlined in the Agricultural Education Administrative Rules. These rules provide the basic framework for the administration of the agricultural education line item, and provisions for the Incentive Funding Grant are outlined in Sections 75.200 through 75.260. Each of the nine goals has an established minimum standard and subsequent set of quality indicators. If a program meets the minimum standard for an identified goal, they are eligible to receive credit for quality indicators within that particular goal. A total program score determines the annual allocation for each district. Proceed through each portion of the application by assessing the minimum standard, reviewing each quality indicator, and determining a total score for each goal. Make note of the following items as you proceed through the grant:

  1. The quality indicators within each goal are broken down into smaller sections (i.e. 1.1 Professional Memberships, 1.2 Length of Teacher Employment), and these sections each have maximum point values. The maximum points possible in each section is annotated in the heading of each section. See Figure 1 below.
  2. While this application is used for calculating Incentive Funding Grant allocations, it is also a crucial means of collecting statewide data on agricultural education programs. Therefore, it is essential that you indicate all quality indicators applicable to your school or program - regardless if additional points will be accrued. For example, if you have competed in more than seven career development events, please indicate all of them despite seven being the maximum number of points allowed in that section.
  3. Some quality indicators are listed in a series of options with an "OR" at the conclusion to indicate that only one of the indicators in that particular series should be selected. This will make sense as you review each indicator.
  4. In an effort to improve data quality and expand opportunities for funding middle school AFNR opportunities, some quality indicators have been revised to be specific to High School (9th-12th Grade) students or Middle School (5th-8th Grade) students. Those indicators have been emphasized in either red or blue font as seen above. Please note that all middle school quality indicators have been moved to a new goal area - Goal 9. Middle School AFNR.
  5. While this program was developed as a way to assess program quality, it can also serve as a helpful tool in incentivizing the improvement of program components. All programs should annually conduct a self-assessment against the goals of this program and make plans to improve weaknesses, sustain strengths and share best practices with fellow teachers. ISBE recommends using strategies described in our IFG Planning Guide

Before completing the application, please watch this brief informational webinar.

The agricultural education teacher is licensed by the State Board of Education for agricultural education.

Minimum Standard 1

Choose one of the following:
Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
1.1 Professional Memberships and Affiliations -- 4 Points Maximum
The agricultural education teacher holds an active membership in the Illinois Association of Vocational Agricultural Teachers (IAVAT) and affiliated professional organizations with membership dues paid by October 31st.
03 3 The agricultural education teacher holds an active membership in the Illinois Association of Vocational Agricultural Teachers (IAVAT) and affiliated professional organizations with membership dues paid by October 31st.
The agricultural education teacher holds an active membership in other organization relevant for agricultural educators or career and technical educators.
01 1 The agricultural education teacher holds an active membership in other organization relevant for agricultural educators or career and technical educators.
1.2 Length of Teacher Employment -- 5 Points Maximum
Agricultural education teacher(s) is employed to maintain year-round instructional programs and supervise students at activities, conferences, and fairs beyond the 185 day (9 month) legal school day or year. Choose one of the following options (the other options will be automatically marked "No"):
Teacher not employed beyond 185-day legal school year.
0 0 Teacher not employed beyond 185-day legal school year.
1-15 days beyond 185-day legal school year
01 1 1-15 days beyond 185-day legal school year
16-30 days beyond 185-day legal school year
02 2 16-30 days beyond 185-day legal school year
31-45 days beyond 185-day legal school year
03 3 31-45 days beyond 185-day legal school year
46-60 days beyond 185-day legal school year
04 4 46-60 days beyond 185-day legal school year
School employs two or more full-time equivalent agricultural education teachers with at least two teachers employed beyond the 185-day legal school year.
05 5 School employs two or more full-time equivalent agricultural education teachers with at least two teachers employed beyond the 185-day legal school year.
1.3 Teacher Leadership Activities -- 2 Points Maximum
For novice teachers (1-4 years of service as an agricultural education teacher), choose from the options below:
Illinois Beginning Agriculture Teacher's Course
01 1 Illinois Beginning Agriculture Teacher's Course
Illinois 2nd Year Agriculture Teacher's Course
01 1 Illinois 2nd Year Agriculture Teacher's Course
ELS-CTE Teacher Conference
01 1 ELS-CTE Teacher Conference
Two FCAE Program Advisor visits completed (virtual or on-site)
01 1 Two FCAE Program Advisor visits completed (virtual or on-site)
Attended two IAVAT Committee meetings (virtual or on-site)
01 1 Attended two IAVAT Committee meetings (virtual or on-site)
01 1 Other.
For experienced teachers (5+ years of service as an agricultural education teacher), choose from the options below:
IAVAT Board Member
01 1 IAVAT Board Member
FFA Board Member
01 1 FFA Board Member
IAVAT Section Officer
01 1 IAVAT Section Officer
IAVAT Committee Member
01 1 IAVAT Committee Member
Host or organized a CDE/LDE or Proficiency Awards Event
01 1 Host or organized a CDE/LDE or Proficiency Awards Event
IACTE or NAAE Leadership Position or Committee
01 1 IACTE or NAAE Leadership Position or Committee
1.4 Professional Development Activities -- 5 Points Maximum
List up to three professional development activities completed by the teacher in the past calendar year. If teacher has earned an industry-recognized credential that is taught and utilized in the program's curriculum (i.e. OSHA 10, Pesticide Applicator, etc.), please list that credential in the space provided.
PD Activity #1
01 1 PD Activity #1
PD Activity #2
01 1 PD Activity #2
PD Activity #3
01 1 PD Activity #3
Industry-Recognized Credential
02 2 Industry-Recognized Credential
1.5 Continuing Education Activities -- 3 Points Maximum
If the agricultural education teacher(s) has completed or is currently pursuing an advanced degree, choose the option that best fits.
Teacher has already received an advanced degree in agriculture, agricultural education, or education-related field.
02 2 Teacher has already received an advanced degree in agriculture, agricultural education, or education-related field.
Teacher is currently enrolled in a postsecondary credit-earning course (not to include Beginning or 2nd-Year Agriculture Teachers Course).
01 1 Teacher is currently enrolled in a postsecondary credit-earning course (not to include Beginning or 2nd-Year Agriculture Teachers Course).
1.6 College-Level Teaching -- 2 Points Maximum
Teacher is currently offering dual credit courses as a part of the agricultural education program.
01 1 Teacher is currently offering dual credit courses as a part of the agricultural education program.
Teacher is currently offering advanced placement as a part of the agricultural education program.
01 1 Teacher is currently offering advanced placement as a part of the agricultural education program.
1.7 Mentoring Future Agricultural Education Teachers -- 7 Points Maximum
Served as cooperating teacher for a student teaching experience in the last calendar year
05 5 Served as cooperating teacher for a student teaching experience in the last calendar year
Served as mentor for state-sponsored mentorship program
02 2 Served as mentor for state-sponsored mentorship program
Hosted preservice teacher for early field experience or preservice observation
02 2 Hosted preservice teacher for early field experience or preservice observation
Hosted a Growing Agricultural Science Teacher (GAST) Grant Intern
02 2 Hosted a Growing Agricultural Science Teacher (GAST) Grant Intern
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 1. Qualified Agricultural Education Teacher -- 28 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal1Total}} 28 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 1 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 1 cannot exceed 30% of the total points in this application.

Support services are available to all students in agricultural education programs.

Minimum Standard 2

On an at least an annual basis, the agricultural education teacher shall:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
2.1 Student Information Management -- 2 Point Maximum
The teacher maintains a current personal portfolio or documented career plan for each student enrolled in the program.
01 1 The teacher maintains a current personal portfolio or documented career plan for each student enrolled in the program. The file includes career goals, planned sequence of courses, possible SAE programs, FFA goals, and other pertinent information.
The school district shall ensure that students with disabilities enrolled in the agricultural education program are provided with any reasonable accommodation as documented in their Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Plan to ensure equitable access to the program.
01 1 The school district shall ensure that students with disabilities enrolled in the agricultural education program are provided with any reasonable accommodation as documented in their Individualized Education Program or Section 504 Plan to ensure equitable access to the program.
2.2 Student Career Experiences -- 4 Points Maximum
All agricultural program concentrators, who are seniors, have participated in one of the following career experiences:
Seniors enrolled in the program have completed a college visit.
02 2 Seniors enrolled in the program have completed a college visit.
Seniors enrolled in the program have completed a job shadowing experience.
02 2 Seniors enrolled in the program have completed a job shadowing experience.
Seniors enrolled in the program have participated in a college and/or career speaker presentation.
02 2 Seniors enrolled in the program have participated in a college and/or career speaker presentation.
2.3 Recruitment Activities -- 1 Point Maximum
Recruitment activities are conducted on an annual basis to attract students into the local agriculture program.
01 1 Recruitment activities are conducted on an annual basis to attract students into the local agriculture program.
2.4 Career Exposure Activities -- 3 Points Maximum
If high school students within the agricultural education program participated in activities designed to expose students to agricultural careers, choose the activities completed from the list provided below. This section allows a maximum of three points, but all activities should be selected for data collection. If other career exposure activities (not including State or National FFA Career Shows) were conducted, please specify those in the space below.
Farm Progress Show
01 1 Farm Progress Show
Elite Conference
01 1 Elite Conference
College Open Houses
01 1 College Open Houses
Build Conference
01 1 Build Conference
Women Changing the Face of Agriculture
01 1 Women Changing the Face of Agriculture
01 1 Other.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 2. Student Support Services -- 10 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal2Total}} 10 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 2 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 2 cannot exceed 10% of the total points in this application.

The instructional programs in agriculture are competency-based and include skills, knowledge and attitudes required for gainful employment in the occupations identified in the career pathways and are sequentially structured.

Minimum Standard 3

The following items are minimum standards for Goal 3. Instruction Programs:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
3.1 AFNR Coursework and Graduation Requirements -- 8 Points Maximum
At least one course within the AFNR program receives academic credit and the credit applies toward fulfilling high school graduation requirements in one or more of the areas below. While only eight points are available on this section, please check all that apply for statewide data collection.
Consumer Education
02 2 Consumer Education
Language Arts
02 2 Language Arts
02 2 Math
02 2 Science
Social Science
02 2 Social Science
02 2 Other.
3.2 Courses Offered Separately -- 1 Point Maximum
At least one student within the agricultural education program receives academic credit for an ISBE approved AFNR course outside of the normal teaching load of the agricultural education teacher(s).
Student(s) have completed an AFNR Independent Study course.
01 1 Student(s) have completed an AFNR Independent Study course.
01 1 Other.
3.3 Curriculum Aligned to Learning Standards -- 5 Point Maximum
Curricular resources utilized in the Agricultural Education program align to one or more of the Illinois Learning Standards as adopted by the Illinois State Board of Education and/or National AFNR Learning Standards as published by the National Council for Agricultural Education. From the list below, select all Learning Standards incorporated.
English Language Arts
01 1 English Language Arts
01 1 Math
01 1 Science
Social Emotional
01 1 Social Emotional
Social Students
01 1 Social Students
National AFNR Standards
02 2 National AFNR Standards
3.4 Credit Transfer Opportunities -- 1 Point Maximum
At least one dual credit agriculture course is offered in the current year.
01 1 At least one dual credit agriculture course is offered in the current year.
3.5 Technology-based Instruction -- 1 Point Maximum
The program has acquired new technology to be used by high school students within the curriculum during the current school year.
01 1 The program has acquired new technology to be used by high school students within the curriculum during the current school year.  
3.6 Career Recruitment and Development Activities -- 7 Points Maximum
If high school students participated in Career Development Events above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all events that your school or chapter participated in. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of seven points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point.
Agricultural Business Management
01 1 Agricultural Business Management
01 1 Forestry
Agricultural Communications
01 1 Agricultural Communications
Horse Judging
01 1 Horse Judging
Agricultural Education
01 1 Agricultural Education
01 1 Horticulture
Agricultural Mechanics
01 1 Agricultural Mechanics
Marketing Plan
01 1 Marketing Plan
Agricultural Sales
01 1 Agricultural Sales
Land Use
01 1 Land Use
Agriscience Fair
01 1 Agriscience Fair
Livestock Evaluation
01 1 Livestock Evaluation
01 1 Agronomy
Meat Evaluation and Technology
01 1 Meat Evaluation and Technology
Creed Speaking
01 1 Creed Speaking
Nursery Landscape
01 1 Nursery Landscape
Dairy Cattle Evaluation
01 1 Dairy Cattle Evaluation
01 1 Poultry
Dairy Cattle Handlers
01 1 Dairy Cattle Handlers
Quiz Bowl
01 1 Quiz Bowl
Dairy Products
01 1 Dairy Products
Urban Ag and Food Processing
01 1 Urban Ag and Food Processing/td>
01 1 Envirothon
Urban Forestry
01 1 Urban Forestry/td>
01 1 Floriculture
Veterinary Science
01 1 Veterinary Science
Food Science
01 1 Food Science This space left intentionally blank.
3.7 International Experiences in Agriculture -- 4 Point Maximum
Teacher participated in an international institute with relevant agricultural experience outside the country.
04 4 Teacher participated in an international institute with relevant agricultural experience outside the country.
3.8 Annual Program Report -- 3 Points Maximum
The agriculture teacher(s) present the written Annual Program Report at a local board of education meeting.
03 3 The agriculture teacher(s) present the written Annual Program Report at a local board of education meeting.
3.9 Industry Recognized Credentials -- 3 Points Maximum
Students earn credentials as part of enrollment in or completion of agricultural education courses.
03 3 Students earn credentials as part of enrollment in or completion of agricultural education courses.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 3. Instructional Programs -- 33 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal3Total}} 33 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 3 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 3 cannot exceed 25% of the total points in this application.

Each agricultural education teacher incorporates an ongoing Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program as part of the instructional program. SAE experiences are incorporated into agricultural education courses or awarded as a separate SAE Workplace Experience course for credit.

Minimum Standard 4

Each program includes a Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) program that requires students to apply lessons from classroom and laboratory instruction to activities in projects beyond the classroom, as evident by:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
4.1 Instruction on Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs -- 7 Points Maximum
If instruction on conducting SAEs and maintaining records is an integral component of instruction for all students as verified in written plans, please select the provisions from the list below that are applicable to your school or program.
SAEs are incorporated into the related agricultural education course grade.
02 2 SAEs are incorporated into the related agricultural education course grade.
SAEs are awarded as a separate course for credit (i.e. .25, .5, or 1 unit of credit) with a grade given that appears on the student report card. Cooperative Education courses, Work-based Learning Experience courses, and related local courses would qualify for this provision.
02 2 SAEs are awarded as a separate course for credit (i.e. .25, .5, or 1 unit of credit) with a grade given that appears on the student report card. Cooperative Education courses, Work-based Learning Experience courses, and related local courses would qualify for this provision.
All students have an up-to-date program of study file or plan that includes updated plans for Supervised Agricultural Experiences as well as alternative project ideas.
03 3 All students have an up-to-date program of study file or plan that includes updated plans for Supervised Agricultural Experiences as well as alternative project ideas.
4.2 Student Participation -- 11 Points Maximum
If student participation in Supervised Agricultural Experiences exceeds the minimum standard, indicate level of participation below.
51-75% of students enrolled participated in a Foundational SAE Program;
03 3 51-75% of students enrolled participated in a Foundational SAE Program; OR
76-100% of students enrolled participated in a Foundational SAE Program.
05 5 76-100% of students enrolled participated in a Foundational SAE Program.
15-30% of students enrolled participated in an Immersion SAE Program;
04 4 15-30% of students enrolled participated in an Immersion SAE Program; OR
31-100% of students enrolled participated in an Immersion SAE Program.
06 6 31-100% of students enrolled participated in an Immersion SAE Program.
4.3 Teacher Supervision of SAE Programs -- 3 Points Maximum
If teacher(s) conduct visits and/or actively supervise student SAE programs with written documentation, indicate level below.
10-45% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
01 1 10-45% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
46-75% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
02 2 46-75% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
76-100% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
03 3 76-100% of agricultural education students are actively supervised.
4.4 Proficiency Award Participation above the Chapter Level -- 4 Points Maximum
1-5 students participated at the Section level;
01 1 1-5 students participated at the Section level; OR
6+ students participated at the Section level.
02 2 6+ students participated at the Section level.
Student(s) participated at the District level.
01 1 Student(s) participated at the District level.
Student(s) participated at the State level.
01 1 Student(s) participated at the State level.
Student(s) participated at the National level.
01 1 Student(s) participated at the National level.
4.5 Section Agricultural Education Fair -- 1 Point Maximum
If agricultural education students participated at the Section Agricultural Education Fair--sponsored by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, sanctioned by ISBE, and coordinated by the respective Section IAVAT - and the teacher(s) supervised students while cooperating in the conducting of the Section Fair, please indicate the level of student participation below.
1 or 2 students exhibited SAE programs in the Section Agricultural Education Fair.
0 0 1 or 2 students exhibited SAE programs in the Section Agricultural Education Fair.
3 or more students exhibited SAE programs in the Section Agricultural Education Fair.
01 1 3 or more students exhibited SAE programs in the Section Agricultural Education Fair.
4.6 Achievement of Degrees in the FFA Organization -- 8 Points Maximum
One or more student(s) earned the State FFA Degree
04 4 One or more student(s) earned the State FFA Degree
One or more student(s) earned the American FFA Degree
04 4 One or more student(s) earned the American FFA Degree
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 4. Supervised Agricultural Experience Programs -- 34 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal4Total}} 34 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 4 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 4 cannot exceed 25% of the total points in this application.

The National FFA Organization is an integral part of the instructional program in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources education.

Minimum Standard 5

The program shall incorporate into the curriculum opportunities to develop leadership skills through local, state and national FFA chapters in the agricultural education program. These opportunities are made evident through:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
5.1 National Chapter Award Program -- 6 Points Maximum
Form I of the National Chapter Award Program has been submitted on AET by midnight of April 1 for participation in the State Competition;
02 2 Form I of the National Chapter Award Program has been submitted on AET by midnight of April 1 for participation in the State Competition; OR
Form I and II of the National Chapter Award Program has been submitted to the Illinois FFA Center by midnight of April 1 for participation in the State Competition.
06 6 Form I and II of the National Chapter Award Program has been submitted to the Illinois FFA Center by midnight of April 1 for participation in the State Competition.
5.2 Chapter Coordination Activities -- 5 Points Maximum
From the list below, select those activities conducted by the students and teacher to coordinate and manage chapter functions.
The FFA Chapter constitution and/or bylaws are up-to-date, reviewed annually, and kept on file.
01 1 The FFA Chapter constitution and/or bylaws are up-to-date, reviewed annually, and kept on file.
The FFA Chapter conducts and documents 12 regularly scheduled chapter meetings per year.
01 1 The FFA Chapter conducts and documents 12 regularly scheduled chapter meetings per year.
The FFA Chapter plans and conducts an annual membership recognition banquet program.
01 1 The FFA Chapter plans and conducts an annual membership recognition banquet program.
Chapter membership meets or exceeds the total number of unduplicated agricultural education enrollment.
02 2 Chapter membership meets or exceeds the total number of unduplicated agricultural education enrollment.
5.3 State and National FFA Conventions -- 5 Points Maximum
High school students actively participated in the most recent State FFA Convention.
03 3 High school students actively participated in the most recent State FFA Convention.
High school students actively participated in the most recent National FFA Convention.
01 1 High school students actively participated in the most recent National FFA Convention.
An administrator, counselor, or board member from your school attended the most recent State or National FFA Convention in the previous year.
01 1 An administrator, counselor, or board member from your school attended the most recent State or National FFA Convention in the previous year.
5.4 Leadership Development Events -- 3 Points Maximum
If high school students participated in Leadership Development Events (LDEs) above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all events that your school or chapter participated in. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of two points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point.
Agricultural Issues
01 1 Agricultural Issues
Conduct of Chapter Meetings
01 1 Conduct of Chapter Meetings
Job Interview
01 1 Job Interview
Parliamentary Procedure
01 1 Parliamentary Procedure
Public Speaking (other than Creed Speaking listed in Goal 3)
01 1 Public Speaking (other than Creed Speaking listed in Goal 3)
5.5 State and National Leadership Conferences -- 3 Points Maximum
Ground Zero Conference
01 1 Ground Zero Conference
FFA Leadership Camp
01 1 FFA Leadership Camp
Being United in Leadership Development (BUILD) Conference
01 1 Being United in Leadership Development (BUILD) Conference
Washington Leadership Conference (WLC)
01 1 Washington Leadership Conference (WLC)
Agricultural Legislative Day
01 1 Agricultural Legislative Day
Section Teams Activities and Responsibilities (STAR) Conference
01 1 Section Teams Activities and Responsibilities (STAR) Conference
5.6 FFA Alumni Program -- 4 Points Maximum
FFA Chapter is supported by an active Alumni affiliate. Affiliate is in good standing by May 1.
02 2 FFA Chapter is supported by an active Alumni affiliate. Affiliate is in good standing by May 1.
At least 1 member of the FFA Alumni affiliate attended the previous Illinois FFA Alumni Annual Meeting.
02 2 At least 1 member of the FFA Alumni affiliate attended the previous Illinois FFA Alumni Annual Meeting.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 5. Agricultural Student Organizations -- 26 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal5Total}} 26 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 5 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 5 cannot exceed 25% of the total points in this application.

Each school conducting an agricultural education program provides adequate facilities, learning laboratories, equipment and supplies for effective operation of the program.

Minimum Standard 6

The facilities, equipment and supplies available to students shall enable them to have hands-on experiences that replicate up-to-date, realistic situations similar to what is occurring in the agriculture careers for which training is provided. Facilities are suitable for the purposes described as made evident by:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
6.1 Program Facilities -- 5 Points Possible
From the list below, select those aspects that apply to your school or program's classroom and laboratory facilities used for high school instruction. Check all aspects that apply and were designed specifically for the identified instructional purpose. Note that while all aspects may be checked, a maximum of five points is allowed for this section.
Agricultural Education classroom space is at least 600 square feet in area size.
01 1 Agricultural Education classroom space is at least 600 square feet in area size.
Dedicated office space to be used by teacher(s) or student leaders
01 1 Dedicated office space to be used by teacher(s) or student leaders
Dedicated storage space (room, closet, cabinetry, etc.) for supplies, materials, equipment, etc.
01 1 Dedicated storage space (room, closet, cabinetry, etc.) for supplies, materials, equipment, etc.
Large Animal
01 1 Large Animal
01 1 Mechanics
01 1 Greenhouse
01 1 Aquaculture
01 1 Landscape
Land Laboratory
01 1 Land Laboratory
01 1 Agriscience
Plant Nursery
01 1 Plant Nursery
01 1 Garden
Veterinary Technology and/or Small Animal Care
01 1 Veterinary Technology and/or Small Animal Care
Food Science
01 1 Food Science
01 1 Other
6.2 Inventory -- 2 Points Maximum
A current inventory of tools, equipment and other pertinent material is on file and accessible for program visitors.
02 2 A current inventory of tools, equipment and other pertinent material is on file and accessible for program visitors. The inventory specifically identifies items purchased with agricultural education incentive funds.
6.3 Financial Records -- 2 Points Maximum
A departmental budget is prepared by the agricultural teacher(s) and is submitted to administration for approval.
02 2 A departmental budget is prepared by the agricultural teacher(s) and is submitted to administration for approval. The budget request identifies needs for equipment, facilities, supplies, travel and other needs. The budget also notes any grant income outside of agricultural education incentive funds.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 6. Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies -- 9 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal6Total}} 9 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 6 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 6 cannot exceed 15% of the total points in this application.

The program is advised by a committee that is representative of all agricultural interests of the community.

Minimum Standard 7

The school shall establish an agricultural advisory committee whose membership shall consist of representatives of the agriculture industries operating in the community. The committee shall:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
7.1 Council Records -- 9 Points Maximum
The agricultural advisory council minutes include programmatic review in conjunction with school administration, recommendations, and a membership list.
09 9 The agricultural advisory council minutes include programmatic review in conjunction with school administration, recommendations, and a membership list.
7.2 Meetings -- 2 Points Maximum
Agricultural advisory council meets two or more times per year as verified by meeting minutes.
02 2 Agricultural advisory council meets two or more times per year as verified by meeting minutes.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 7. Agricultural Advisory Council -- 11 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal7Total}} 11 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 7 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 7 cannot exceed 15% of the total points in this application.

The agricultural education teacher is involved in assessing the areas needed for literacy and agricultural education for the prekindergarten through adult audiences and provides or assists in providing programs to meet the needs identified in the community.

Minimum Standard 8

The agricultural education teacher assists in the coordination of agricultural education awareness and agriculture literacy activities for all of the following educational audiences. Note that all must be selected for achievement of minimum standard.

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
8.1 Agricultural Literacy and Career Exploration Activities -- 8 Points Maximum
Agricultural Career Fair
02 2 Agricultural Career Fair
Job Shadowing Experiences
01 1 Job Shadowing Experiences
FFA Week Activities
01 1 FFA Week Activities
Demonstrated Ag in the Classroom Activities
01 1 Demonstrated Ag in the Classroom Activities
National Agriculture Day/Week Celebration and/or Agricultural Expo Activities.
01 1 National Agriculture Day/Week Celebration and/or Agricultural Expo Activities.
USDA Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Activities or Farm Bureau Farm & Ag Safety training (F.A.S.T.) Activities
01 1 USDA Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Activities or Farm Bureau Farm & Ag Safety training (F.A.S.T.) Activities
Teacher(s) conducted an educational workshop for adults in the community.
02 2 Teacher(s) conducted an educational workshop for adults in the community.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 8. Agricultural Literacy -- 8 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal8Total}} 8 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 8 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 8 cannot exceed 15% of the total points in this application.

The agricultural education program is actively developing the engagement of middle school students in AFNR coursework, SAE programs, and the National FFA Organization.

Minimum Standard 9

The agricultural education program of instruction offered includes:

Answer Your Score Points Possible Quality Indicator Descriptions
9.1 Middle School Instructional Program -- 1 Point Maximum
If a licensed agricultural education teacher taught an ISBE approved middle school (5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade) agricultural education course(s), please select the aspects below that best apply to your program.
10-25% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses;
00.5 0.5 10-25% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR
26-50% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses;
00.5 0.5 26-50% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR
51-75% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses;
00.5 0.5 51-75% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR
75% or more full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses.
00.5 0.5 75% or more full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses.
A dedicated section of the Annual Program Report (See 3.8 Annual Program Report) showcases those activities and opportunities afforded to middle school students, and this information is presented to the local school board.
00.5 0.5 A dedicated section of the Annual Program Report (See 3.8 Annual Program Report) showcases those activities and opportunities afforded to middle school students, and this information is presented to the local school board.
9.2 Middle School FFA Participation -- 4 Points Maximum
From the list below, select each FFA activity in which middle school students participated. Note that while all completed activities should be selected, a maximum of four points is allowed for this section.
The FFA Chapter offers National FFA Organization membership to 7th and 8th grade students.
01 1 The FFA Chapter offers National FFA Organization membership to 7th and 8th grade students.
25-50% of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree;
01 1 25-50% of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree; OR
51% or more of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree.
02 2 51% or more of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree.
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the Section Level.
01 1 One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the Section Level.
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the District Level.
01 1 One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the District Level.
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the State Level.
01 1 One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the State Level.
Middle school students actively participated in the State FFA Convention.
03 3 Middle school students actively participated in the State FFA Convention.
Middle school students actively participated in the National FFA Convention.
01 1 Middle school students actively participated in the National FFA Convention.
Middle school students actively participated in an FFA-sanctioned leadership conference.
02 2 Middle school students actively participated in an FFA-sanctioned leadership conference.
Middle school FFA program has a leadership/officer team comprised of middle school students (7th-8th Grade).
02 2 Middle school FFA program has a leadership/officer team comprised of middle school students (7th-8th Grade).
9.3 Middle School Leadership Development Events -- 2 Points Maximum
If middle school students participated in Leadership Development Events (LDEs) above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all events that your school or chapter participated in. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of two points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point.
Agricultural Issues
01 1 Agricultural Issues
Conduct of Chapter Meetings
01 1 Conduct of Chapter Meetings
Job Interview
01 1 Job Interview
Parliamentary Procedure
01 1 Parliamentary Procedure
Public Speaking (Other than Creed Speaking as listed in 9.5)
01 1 Public Speaking (Other than Creed Speaking as listed in 9.5)
9.4 Middle School Career Exploration Activities -- 2 Points Maximum
Middle school students participated in activities designed to expose students to agricultural careers such as but not limited to Farm Progress Show, College Open Houses, Women Changing the Face of Agriculture, etc.
01 1 Middle school students participated in activities designed to expose students to agricultural careers such as but not limited to Farm Progress Show, College Open Houses, Women Changing the Face of Agriculture, etc. (Does not include activities within or during regular class time like guest speakers, worksheets, etc.)
Middle school students participated in at least three guest speakers who focused on career exploration.
01 1 Middle school students participated in at least three guest speakers who focused on career exploration.
9.5 Middle School Career Development Events -- 3 Points Maximum
If middle school students participated in the middle school divisions of Career Development Events above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all applicable events. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of three points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point.
Agricultural Business Management
01 1 Agricultural Business Management
Food Science
01 1 Food Science
Agricultural Communications
01 1 Agricultural Communications
01 1 Forestry
Agricultural Education
01 1 Agricultural Education
Horse Judging
01 1 Horse Judging
Agricultural Mechanics
01 1 Agricultural Mechanics
01 1 Horticulture
Agricultural Sales
01 1 Agricultural Sales
Job Interview
01 1 Job Interview
Agriscience Fair
01 1 Agriscience Fair
Land Use
01 1 Land Use
01 1 Agronomy
Livestock Evaluation
01 1 Livestock Evaluation
Creed Speaking
01 1 Creed Speaking
Meat Evaluation and Technology
01 1 Meat Evaluation and Technology
Dairy Cattle Evaluation
01 1 Dairy Cattle Evaluation
Nursery Landscape
01 1 Nursery Landscape
Dairy Cattle Handlers
01 1 Dairy Cattle Handlers
Quiz Bowl
01 1 Quiz Bowl
Dairy Products
01 1 Dairy Products
Urban Ag & Food Production
01 1 Urban Ag & Food Production
01 1 Envirothon
Urban Forestry
01 1 Urban Forestry
01 1 Floriculture
Veterinary Science
01 1 Veterinary Science
9.6 Middle School Agriscience Participation -- 3 Points Maximum
1-5 middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair;
01 1 1-5 middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair; OR
6 or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair.
02 2 6 or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair.
One or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated above the Section level in Agriscience Fair.
01 1 One or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated above the Section level in Agriscience Fair.
9.7 Instructional Facilities for Middle School Students -- 2 Points Maximum
The program has acquired new technology to use within the middle school curriculum during the current school year.
01 1 The program has acquired new technology to use within the middle school curriculum during the current school year.
Middle School agricultural education courses use an additional classroom other than the same classroom as the high school agricultural education courses.
01 1 Middle School agricultural education courses use an additional classroom other than the same classroom as the high school agricultural education courses. Classroom is at least 600 square feet in area size.
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 9. Middle School AFNR -- 17 Points Maximum
{{Request2.Goal9Total}} 17 Sum all points accumulated under Goal 9 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 9 cannot exceed 10% of the total points in this application.
Goal Totals Points Possible Goal Summary
{{Request2.Goal1Total}} 28 Goal 1. Qualified Agriculture Teacher
{{Request2.Goal2Total}} 10 Goal 2. Student Support Services
{{Request2.Goal3Total}} 33 Goal 3. Instructional Programs
{{Request2.Goal4Total}} 34 Goal 4. Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE) Programs
{{Request2.Goal5Total}} 26 Goal 5. Agricultural Student Organizations
{{Request2.Goal6Total}} 9 Goal 6. Facilities, Equipment, and Supplies
{{Request2.Goal7Total}} 11 Goal 7. Agricultural Advisory Council
{{Request2.Goal8Total}} 8 Goal 8. Agricultural Literacy
{{Request2.Goal9Total}} 17 Goal 9. Middle School AFNR
{{Request2.TotalScore}} 176 TOTAL APPLICATION SCORE
Minimum standard not met on highlighted rows above. Points will not count towards the total.


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