9.1 Middle School Instructional Program -- 1 Point Maximum |
If a licensed agricultural education teacher taught an ISBE approved middle school (5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade) agricultural education course(s), please select the aspects below that best apply to your program. |
00.5 |
0.5 |
10-25% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR |
00.5 |
0.5 |
26-50% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR |
00.5 |
0.5 |
51-75% full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses; OR |
00.5 |
0.5 |
75% or more full-time equivalent teaching time dedicated to agricultural education courses. |
00.5 |
0.5 |
A dedicated section of the Annual Program Report (See 3.8 Annual Program Report) showcases those activities and opportunities afforded to middle school students, and this information is presented to the local school board. |
9.2 Middle School FFA Participation -- 4 Points Maximum |
From the list below, select each FFA activity in which middle school students participated. Note that while all completed activities should be selected, a maximum of four points is allowed for this section. |
01 |
1 |
The FFA Chapter offers National FFA Organization membership to 7th and 8th grade students. |
01 |
1 |
25-50% of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree; OR |
02 |
2 |
51% or more of 7th and 8th grade students earned their Discovery FFA Degree. |
01 |
1 |
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the Section Level. |
01 |
1 |
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the District Level. |
01 |
1 |
One or more applications were completed and submitted for Star Discovery at the State Level. |
03 |
3 |
Middle school students actively participated in the State FFA Convention. |
01 |
1 |
Middle school students actively participated in the National FFA Convention. |
02 |
2 |
Middle school students actively participated in an FFA-sanctioned leadership conference.
02 |
2 |
Middle school FFA program has a leadership/officer team comprised of middle school students (7th-8th Grade). |
9.3 Middle School Leadership Development Events -- 2 Points Maximum |
If middle school students participated in Leadership Development Events (LDEs) above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all events that your school or chapter participated in. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of two points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point. |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Issues |
01 |
1 |
Conduct of Chapter Meetings |
01 |
1 |
Job Interview |
01 |
1 |
Parliamentary Procedure |
01 |
1 |
Public Speaking (Other than Creed Speaking as listed in 9.5) |
9.4 Middle School Career Exploration Activities -- 2 Points Maximum |
01 |
1 |
Middle school students participated in activities designed to expose students to agricultural careers such as but not limited to Farm Progress Show, College Open Houses, Women Changing the Face of Agriculture, etc. (Does not include activities within or during regular class time like guest speakers, worksheets, etc.)
01 |
1 |
Middle school students participated in at least three guest speakers who focused on career exploration. |
9.5 Middle School Career Development Events -- 3 Points Maximum |
If middle school students participated in the middle school divisions of Career Development Events above the chapter level, select those respective events from the list below. Please select all applicable events. Note that for scoring purposes a maximum of three points is available from this section with each event counting as one individual point. |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Business Management |
01 |
1 |
Food Science |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Communications |
01 |
1 |
Forestry |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Education |
01 |
1 |
Horse Judging |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Mechanics |
01 |
1 |
Horticulture |
01 |
1 |
Agricultural Sales |
01 |
1 |
Job Interview |
01 |
1 |
Agriscience Fair |
01 |
1 |
Land Use |
01 |
1 |
Agronomy |
01 |
1 |
Livestock Evaluation |
01 |
1 |
Creed Speaking |
01 |
1 |
Meat Evaluation and Technology |
01 |
1 |
Dairy Cattle Evaluation |
01 |
1 |
Nursery Landscape |
01 |
1 |
Dairy Cattle Handlers |
01 |
1 |
Quiz Bowl |
01 |
1 |
Dairy Products |
01 |
1 |
Urban Ag & Food Production |
01 |
1 |
Envirothon |
01 |
1 |
Urban Forestry |
01 |
1 |
Floriculture |
01 |
1 |
Veterinary Science |
9.6 Middle School Agriscience Participation -- 3 Points Maximum |
01 |
1 |
1-5 middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair; OR |
02 |
2 |
6 or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated in the Section level Agriscience Fair. |
01 |
1 |
One or more middle school students (7th and 8th Grade) participated above the Section level in Agriscience Fair.
9.7 Instructional Facilities for Middle School Students -- 2 Points Maximum |
01 |
1 |
The program has acquired new technology to use within the middle school curriculum during the current school year.
01 |
1 |
Middle School agricultural education courses use an additional classroom other than the same classroom as the high school agricultural education courses. Classroom is at least 600 square feet in area size. |
TOTAL POINTS for Goal 9. Middle School AFNR -- 17 Points Maximum |
{{Request2.Goal9Total}} |
17 |
Sum all points accumulated under Goal 9 and record total in far-left cell. Total sum of all points from Goal 9 cannot exceed 10% of the total points in this application. |