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This training video was produced by ACT and is intended to assist those responsible for submitting PSAE Day 1 test accommodations forms to ACT.


  1. In the video (28:40), ACT staff refer to “paraphrasing test questions, limiting forced choices, reading the test to a small group of students rather than one-to-one.” Please be aware that these actions are NOT ALLOWED for PSAE testing, even as State-Allowed accommodations.
  2. In the video (2:01), ACT staff state that the Test Accommodations Coordinator must not be involved in coaching college or high school athletics. This is applicable only if any student requesting accommodations participates in athletics. This qualification is in place to protect testing staff who administer the test to students individually or in very small groups without other testing staff present. Please refer to the PSAE Test Accommodations Coordinator Qualifications and Responsibilities—Spring 2011 for a complete list of qualifications.


  • All PSAE Day 1 ACT-Approved accommodations forms must be received by ACT on or before Thursday, January 27, 2011.
  • All PSAE Day 1 State-Allowed accommodations forms must be received by ACT on or before Friday, March 11, 2011.
  • All PSAE Day 2 test accommodations materials must be ordered using PSAE Test Sites Online beginning November 1, 2010. User IDs and Passwords are sent to high school principals in early November 2010. Orders may be updated until January 28, 2011.​​

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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