SPED 5903: Strategies for Leading and Teaching Diverse Learners
EDUC 312: Teaching Exceptional Students
ED 5702: Instruction for Special Education Students
ED 5707: Instruction for Students with Disabilities
COUN 5424: Instruction and Intervention with Special Populations
EDG 987: Intervention Strategies in Special Education
EDG 941: Curricular Adaptations for Learners with Disabilities
ED 501-516: Strategies for Classroom Inclusion
SPED 123: Methods and Strategies for Exceptional Learners
SPED 223: Methods and Strategies for Exceptional Learners
COE/SPD 595: Methods of Educating Learners with Diverse Needs
SPD 595TE: Methods of Educating Learners with Diverse Needs
EDUC-K305: Introduction to Exceptional Children: Elementary
EDUC-K305: Teaching Exceptional Learners
EDUC S555: Diversity and Communities of All Learners
ED 361: Special Education and the General Classroom Teacher
ED 560: Issues and Trends in Special Education
ED 4090: Specialized Instructional Strategies Across the Curriculum for Special Educators
ED 4080: Educational Methods in Mild/Moderate Cross Categorical Disabilities
ED 6090: Specialized Instructional Strategies Across the Curriculum for Special Educators
ED 6080: Educational Methods in Mild/Moderate Cross Categorical Disabilities
EDT 340: Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings
EDT 340L: Educating Diverse Student Populations in Inclusive Settings Laboratory
EDU 202: Introduction to Inclusion K-12
EDTL 4984/07U:184: Academic Skills for Special Needs Students
EDNU 9669: Methods of Teaching the Exceptional Learner
EDUC 443: Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in the General Education Elementary Classroom
EDUC 445: Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in the General Education Middle and High School Classroom
SPED 531: Special Education Teaching Methods
EDUC 206: Introduction to Exceptionalities
SPED 440/540: Learning Exceptionalities
SPED 443/543: Teaching Reading to Students with Disabilities: Secondary
SPED 445: Teaching the Student with Mild Disabilities
SPED 450/550: Models of Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education
SPED 466/566: Teaching Reading to Students with Disabilities: Elementary
LIT 5243: Strengthening Literacy for Educational Leaders
LIT 5203: Strengthening Literacy
EDUC 322: Introduction to Teaching Reading: Elementary
EDUC 326: Teaching of Reading Language Arts in the Elementary School
EDUC 542: Diagnosis and Remediation of Literacy Difficulties
ED 5551: Developing Fluent Readers
ED 5552: Teaching Comprehension Strategies
ED 5554: Sociocultural Context of Reading Instruction
EDC 515: Language Arts Development and Strategies
EDC 516: Curriculum and Methods of Language Arts
ED 501-504: The Threads of Reading: Strategies for Literacy Development
ELED 450: K-8 Elementary Education Methods
EDUC 137: Teaching Reading in the Elementary Classroom
EDUC 150: Secondary Reading Methods
EDUC 237: Teaching Reading in the Elementary Classroom
EDUC 250: Secondary Reading Methods
COE/REA 540: Advanced Studies in Methods for Elementary Content Reading and Writing
EDUC-M464: Content Area Literacy
EDUC-M469: Content Area Literacy
EDUC-L517: Content Area Literacy
ED 316: Elementary Reading Instruction I
ED 318: Elementary Reading Instruction II
ED 319: Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers
ED 4700: Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers
ED 6700: Methods of Assessment and Instruction for Remedial Readers
EDT 426: Reading/Language Arts for Middle Childhood
EDT 454: Methods of Literacy for Early Childhood
EDU 303: Reading & Writing in the Content Areas
EDTL 3160/07E:160: Literacy Learning and Teaching I (Grades K-3)
EDTL 3164/07E:164: Literacy Learning and Teaching I (Grades 3-8)
EDTL 4394/07S:194: Methods: Secondary Reading
EDEU 9669: Methods of Teaching Reading
EDUC 401: Developmental Reading and Writing Instruction in the Elementary School
EDUC 402: Individualizing Reading and Writing Instruction in the Elementary Classroom
EDUC 403: Reading and Writing in Content Areas (Secondary)
RDNG 500: Reading Methods: Primary
RDNG 501: Reading Methods: Elementary
RDNG 502: Reading Methods: Secondary
EDUC 398: Reading Methods
ED 310/510: Foundations in Emergent and Early Literacy
ED 329/529: Literacy in the Elementary School
ED 360/560: Literacies Across the Content Areas
ED 465/565: Literacy in Socio-Cultural Contexts
LIT 5313: Literacy in the Content Areas
EDUC 307: Reading/ Literacy in the Content Area
EDC 867: Language and Literacy in the Content Areas
SEED 450: Reading and Content Literacy
EDUC 142: Secondary Reading and Interdisciplinary Curriculum
EDUC 242: Secondary Reading and Interdisciplinary Curriculum
COE/REA 545: Advanced Studies in Methods for Secondary Content Reading and Writing
ED 576: The Teaching of Reading for Secondary Teachers
ED 4020: Fundamentals of Literacy Learning
ED 6020: Fundamentals of Literacy Learning
EDT 425: Digital Literacies, ELL and Content Reading Strategies
EDT 602: Critical Reading in the Content Area
EDTL 4171 / 07E:171: Literacy Learning and Teaching III
EDTL 3095 / 07S:195: Teaching Reading Secondary Content Areas
EDEU 9968: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas to English Speakers & English Learners
RDNG 507: Content Area Reading and Writing for Elementary
RDNG 510: Content Area Reading and Writing for Adolescents
SEED 550: Reading and Content Literacy
EDUC 493: Content Area Reading and Writing
BE5033: Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language
IDIS 301: Introduction to ESL and Bilingual Education
ED 5728: Methods, Curriculum, and Materials for English Language Learners
EDG 819: Methods of Teaching ESL
ED 501-507: Classroom Instruction That Works with English Language Learners
ELED 462: Teaching English: New Language
TESL 104
TESL 204
TESL 214
COE/TSL 558: ELL and Bilingual Curriculum and Methods of Instruction
EDUC-L441: Bilingual Education
EDUC-L524: Bilingual Education
EDT 437: Second Language Learning and Teaching
EDT 466: TESOL Methods for Teaching English Language Learners
EDT 537: Second Language Learning and Teaching
EDT 566: TESOL Methods
EDU 318: (ESOL) Literacy & Language Diversity
EDTL 4468/07S:168: Instruction of ELLs for K12 Classrooms
EDTL 4467/07S:167: Methods: Teaching ESOL in K-12 Settings
EDEU 501: Methods of Teaching ESL in Bilingual Programs
EDEU 503: Methods of Teaching ESL
ELI 391: Fundamentals of Teaching English as a Second Language
EDUC 592: Teaching English Language Learners
BLE 571: Instructional Techniques and Methods
TESOL 571: Instructional Techniques and Methods
EDUC 381: Language, Literacy, and Culture
ED 367/567: English Language Learning Methods
ENGL 368/568: TESOL: Theory and Methods
ENGL 369/569: TESOL: Theory and Practice
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