Request for Proposals (RFP)/Request for Application (RFA) and Awards
The chart below lists the title of each RFP and RFA currently available in the order of the proposal due date. To see the main body of the RFP or RFA, click on the title. or view the documents below the title.
First time applicants without an RCDT (Region-County-District-Type) code must call or email the grant contact to obtain an RCDT code before submitting an application. The RCDT code is a unique identifying code assigned to each entity funded by ISBE and is required to receive payment for a grant.
All NOFO/RFPs released on or after May 1, 2018 are subject to the updated
Merit Based Review policy
ISBE is asking that Merit-Based Appeals be emailed to while the stay at home order is in place. An appeal must be received by 5 p.m. of the 14th day after the date that the first grant award notice has been published on this page.