SPP Indicator 5: A results indicator that measures the percentage of school-aged students with IEPs served:
- Inside the general education classroom 80% or more of the school day,
- Inside the general education classroom less than 40% of the day, or
- In separate schools/residential facilities/home/hospital placements.
SPP Indicator 6: A results indicator that measures the percentage of preschool children with IEPs attending:
- A regular early childhood (EC) program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular EC program,
- A separate special education class/separate school/residential facility, or
- In the home.
The goal of Indicators 5 and 6 is to provide services to students with IEPs inside the general education environment to the maximum extent that is appropriate.
5A. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class 80% or more of the day) divided by the (total # of students aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment code 01.
5B. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served inside the regular class less than 40% of the day) divided by the (total # of students aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment code 03.
5C. Percent = [(# of children with IEPs aged 5 who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 served in separate schools, residential facilities, or homebound/hospital placements) divided by the (total # of students aged 5& who are enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment codes 04, 05, 06, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16.
The total number of children with IEPs aged 5 enrolled in kindergarten and aged 6 through 21 includes ISBE EE codes 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 28.
6A. Percent = [(# of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs attending a regular early childhood program and receiving the majority of special education and related services in the regular early childhood program) divided by the (total # of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment codes 30 and 32.
6B. Percent = [(# of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs attending a separate special education class, separate school or residential facility) divided by the (total # of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment codes 23, 24, and 25.
6C. Percent = [(# of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs receiving special education and related services in the home) divided by the (total # of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs)] times 100. This includes ISBE educational environment code 26.
The total number of children ages 3, 4, and 5 with IEPs includes ISBE EE codes 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, and 33.
Data Source
The same data as used for reporting to the ED under Section 618 of the IDEA, using the definitions in EDFacts file specification FS002 and EDFacts file specification FS089. The ISBE data source is the IEP Student Tracking and Reporting (I-Star) System Pupil Count Table.
Targets for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020-25
SPP 5A - FFY20 target of 52.70%
SPP 5A - FFY21 target of 52.90%
SPP 5A - FFY22 target of 53.10%
SPP 5A - FFY23 target of 53.30%
SPP 5A - FFY24 target of 53.50%
SPP 5A – FFY25 target of 53.70%
SPP 5B - FFY20 target of 12.37%
SPP 5B - FFY21 target of 12.35%
SPP 5B - FFY22 target of 12.33%
SPP 5B - FFY23 target of 12.31%
SPP 5B - FFY24 target of 12.29%
SPP 5B – FFY25 target of 12.27%
SPP 5C - FFY20 target of 6.39%
SPP 5C - FFY21 target of 6.38%
SPP 5C - FFY22 target of 6.37%
SPP 5C - FFY23 target of 6.36%
SPP 5C - FFY24 target of 6.35%
SPP 5C – FFY25 target of 6.34%
SPP 6A - FFY20 target of 46.00%
SPP 6A - FFY21 target of 46.50%
SPP 6A - FFY22 target of 47.00%
SPP 6A - FFY23 target of 47.50%
SPP 6A - FFY24 target of 48.00%
SPP 6A – FFY25 target of 48.50%
SPP 6B - FFY20 target of 26.30%
SPP 6B - FFY21 target of 26.04%
SPP 6B - FFY22 target of 25.78%
SPP 6B - FFY23 target of 25.52%
SPP 6B - FFY24 target of 25.26%
SPP 6B – FFY25 target of 25.00%
SPP 6C - FFY20 target of 0.28%
SPP 6C - FFY21 target of 0.27%
SPP 6C - FFY22 target of 0.26%
SPP 6C - FFY23 target of 0.25%
SPP 6C - FFY24 target of 0.24%
SPP 6C – FFY25 target of 0.23%