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Public Act 102-0522, the Comprehensive Personal Health and Safety and Sexual Health Education Act, requires ISBE to adopt the National Sex Education StandardsPDF Document as the Illinois Learning Standards for sexual health education. These standards were adopted on June 14, 2022.  Per the law, districts have the option to provide sexual health education instruction. School districts that choose to provide instruction in sexual health education must develop or select a curriculum that is aligned with the new standards. With the input of stakeholders, ISBE has compiled the list below for districts to use in selecting or developing a curriculum. Parents/guardians may opt their children out of such instruction, should a district choose to provide it by submitting a request in writing.

Please contact with any questions. ​


Topic strand(s):

  • {{item}}

Grade band or audience:

  • {{item}}


Type of resource:  {{item.ResourceType}}

Target audience:  {{item.TargetAudience}}

Available in additional languages:  {{item.AddLang}}

Topic strand(s):  {{item.Topic.results.join(", ")}}

Grade band or audience:  {{item.GradeBand.results.join(", ")}}

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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