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​​The State of Illinois provides two state categorical pupil reimbursement fund sources for districts serving students with disabilities who require special education and related services. Such students may be eligible under:

  • Private Facility 1​05 ILCS 5/14-7.02
  • Orphanage 105 ILCS 5/14-7.03
State funding is appropriated by the General Assembly each fiscal year. Additionally, when necessary to provide an appropriate educational program, Federal Room and Board reimbursement per the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) may be available for school district placements. Depending on the eligibility of the student, reimbursement may be received in the current or the following fiscal year.​​


​The IEP Student Tracking and Reporting System (I-Star) is a web-based system used by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) that allows districts/special education cooperatives to input, manage, and approve data for students with disabilities. I-Star serves as the primary approval process for students with disabilities who are claimed for reimbursement under Sections 14-7.02 (Private Facility Tuition), 14-7.02b (Students with Excess Cost), 14-7.03 (Orphanage), and 14-13.01b (Special Transportation) of the School Code [105 ILCS 5].

To access state funding or Federal Room and Board reimbursement, each student must be preapproved in I-Star via the Data Collection and Approval Instructions​PDF Document.  Districts requesting approval for orphanage students reported under Section 14-7.03 must clear eligibility checks to qualify for reimbursement. For students not clearing eligibility checks, districts will be notified of the discrepancy and may be asked to clarify the status of the student reported or submit additional documentation to support the approval.​

State Categorical Reimbursement

​​​​Students eligible for Excess Cost reimbursement per Section 14-7.02b or Orphanage reimbursement per Section 14-7.03 must calculate special education costs in accordance with 23 Ill Admin Code Part 130-Determining Special Education Per Capita Tuition ChargePDF Document. Costs may be calculated by using the following ISBE forms:

  • ISBE Form 50-66APDF Document, Special Education Tuition Cost Sheet
  • ISBE Forms 50-66BLPDF Document and 50-66BPPDF Document Special Education Documentation Sheet [you will need to download both the L – landscape and P – portrait versions]
  • ISBE Form 50-66CPDF Document, Special Education Tuition Bill and Claim Computation and
  • ISBE Form 50​-66DPDF Document, Special Education Depreciation Schedule.

Instructions for completing student reimbursement claims electronically as well as the related Special Education Tuition Cost Sheet forms can be found in the Reimbursement Procedures for Students with DisabilitiesPDF Document. Resident districts of approved students may claim tuition or room and board costs for private facility placements in accordance with per diem rates set annually by the Illinois Purchased Care Review Board. ​

Federal Room & Board


Federal Room and Board reimbursement is available for special education students placed by districts in approved private facilities.  Approval and claim cycle operates between September 1 and August 31 of each year.  In order to seek reimbursement, the resident district must have an approved ISBE Form 34-37PDF Document, Application for Approval of Private Residential Placement Room and Board Reimbursement. Once approved, the district may transmit a Special Education Room and Board Claim in IWAS.  Claims are paid monthly during the school year at a pro-rated amount, usually 90 percent. If sufficient federal funds are available, all claims are paid at 100% at the end of the year.

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