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CTE & Innovations is a dedicated team of education professionals working to provide high-quality educational programs, resources, and training for all Illinois students, teachers, and administrators.  To support and enhance the development of college and career ready students, the CTE & Innovations​ department provides a blend of academic and career and technical educational guidance, leadership, and technical assistance to local districts and regional staff.​

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) open for public comment

The Unified State Plan for Illinois was initially submitted for the period of 2016-2020. WIOA requires a modification to the plan at the end of the first 2-year period of the Unified State Plan. This modification must include information on changes in labor market and economic conditions and other factors affecting the implementation of the Unified State Plan.

The final draft of the Unified State Plan modification was prepared under the leadership of the Illinois Workforce Innovation Board with representation of the required partners of the Unified State Plan. ​

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