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If you are a superintendent and you would like to utilize Ed360, please follow the steps below to log in and turn on access for your district. 

If you are not a superintendent but would like to utilize Ed360 in your school or classroom, please forward these directions onto your superintendent.​​​

How to Turn on Ed360 for Your District

**NOTE: The following steps must be completed by a superintendent.**

If you are a superintendent and you have a GSuite (Google Apps for Education) or Office365 email, you can log in to Ed360, look around, and decide if you would like to turn on Ed360 for your district.

To log on for the first time, go to and log in with your GSuite or O365 email address and password.

Turning on Ed360 for your staff is simple. To opt in your district, follow the four-step process outlined in the Ed360 Opt-In Guide.PDF Document

The way you choose to use Ed360 is up to you, as the Superintendent. There are several different ways to incorporate this tool. You can have your district administrators use the tool along with a few teachers, or you could have district administrators and teachers use it in one building or classroom, or you can make it available to your entire district.​

If you would like more information about Ed360, please navigate to the Resources section of the Ed360 page.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the Ed360 Outreach team at


* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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