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The Early Childhood department provides leadership and technical assistance to support state programs serving children prenatal to age 8, and their families. Services provided include state Prevention Initiative, Preschool For All, and Expansion Grants, as well as the Federal Expansion Grant, and a variety of resources for parents, teachers and administrators.​

FY 2026 Notice of Intent to Apply

Preschool for All, Preschool for All Expansion, and Prevention Initiative

The fiscal year 2026 Early Childhood Block Grant (ECBG) Request for Proposals (RFP) will be released electronically in the ISBE IWAS system. This includes Preschool for All, Preschool for All Expansion, and Prevention Initiative. Currently funded ECBG programs do not need to apply for this RFP to maintain current funding, unless the entity wishes to apply for additional slots to expand their program.

Eligible applicants must submit an FY 2026 Notice of Intent to Apply to access the IWAS system. The intent to apply will remain open until further notice.​ Entities must complete an intent to apply form before they can make an RFP submission.  On the form, the entity will select which of the three ECBG grants it intends to apply for.

The following entities outside the City of Chicago may apply: Currently funded and new ECBG programs from Regional Offices of Education; public school districts; university laboratory schools approved by the Illinois State Board of Education; charter schools; area vocational centers; and public or private not-for-profit or for-profit entities with experience in providing educational, health, social, and/or child development services to young children and their families.

Administrative agents from a Local Education Agency or another eligible applicant can apply in a subcontracted effort with family child care and family child care group homes that have a current license issued by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services.

A separate appropriation has been awarded to City of Chicago District 299. Applicants proposing to provide services for children and families within the Chicago city limits must apply for funds through the Chicago Public Schools Office of Early Childhood Education.

Questions may be directed to the Early Childhood Development Department at 217-524-4835 or ​​​​

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