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 Identifying and Screening of EL's

​How do you know if a student enrolling in your district is Limited English Proficient (LEP) (also called an English Language Learner (ELL)) and is eligible for language support services?
Follow these steps:
  1. Administer a Home Language Survey to ALL students (Preschool - Grade 12) newly registering in your district. Sample Home Language Surveys are available on the ISBE website in English and forty other languages. 
  2. Assess the English language proficiency of all students whose parents answered "yes" to one or both of the Home Language Survey questions, "Is a language other than English spoken in the home?' and "Does the student speak a language other than English?"
  3. If the student is identified as Limited English Proficient (LEP), provide services as required based on the individual student's needs.
Annually report identified LEP students on the Student Information System (SIS)​

 Part-Time Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) Placement Rationale

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