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Illinois Information Technology (IT) aims to build student skills in the following areas:

  • communications
  • information systems/technology
  • digital literacy
  • entrepreneurship
  • interpersonal and leadership skills
  • career development
  • computer concepts/programming/networking
  • web page/media development
  • and many, many more!

IT helps students become college and career ready through the critical thinking and real-world application of skills that are built within the content and application of the available courses. By taking IT courses, students develop the academic knowledge and technical skills for a lifetime of opportunities as productive and responsible citizens. These experiences should actively engage students using instructional strategies that rely on use of technology and current and emerging business practices and procedures.​


​A matrixPDF Document has been developed to provide a quick glance of the appropriate sequence of courses for approved programs. This matrix is only a guide to aid in the development of approved Information Technology programs therefore not all approved courses are listed.

 Teacher Resources

​Advance CTE Career Clusters

Computer Networking

Computer Programming

Web Page Design

CTE Curriculum

These are curriculum resources for Information Technology (IT) which were created to provide additional support for the CTE Teacher. You will find these resources broken out in modules and each module will have E-Units, Lesson Plans and Presentations. As a teacher you can customize these to fit your needs. If you have questions about these resources, please contact Tricia Campbell.​​


* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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