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Application period is March 1, 2024, through May 1, 2024.

Section 10-16a of the School Code (105 ILCS 5/10-16a) establishes training requirements for school board members. The law requires that the training be provided by “an association established under this Code” (IASB) or entities that the State Board approves in consultation with IASB.

The next application cycle is anticipated to open March 2024.

According to the law, entities that wish to offer training courses are required to address all four topic areas:

  • Education Law and Labor Law
  • Financial Oversight and Accountability
  • Fiduciary Responsibilities of a School Board Member
  • Trauma-informed practices for students and staff​

As part of the application, each entity must provide evidence of both itself and its presenters’ experience and competency in the subject matter covered in the training.

To be approved, each entity will also be required to:

  1. Verify each course/session’s attendance.
  2. Provide school board members with a certificate of completion.
  3. Maintain records of participants’ attendance and their evaluations of the training for at least five years.

Approval of a provider lasts for two calendar years. The next application cycle will approve providers from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2026.​

Note: The law states that if at any time an approved and certified training provider does not comply with the requirements of 105 ILCS 5/10-16a or 23 Illinois Administrative Code, Part 1 (Section 1.210), the State Superintendent can withdraw that provider’s certification.

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