The information below shows the Title IV, Part A grant award allocation at the state level based on the Every Student Succeeds Act:
Grant Award
- 95% Local Education Agency (LEA) grants
- 5% State Education Agency (SEA) activities
- No more than 1% for administration
- 4% if the entire 1% is used for administration must be used for state activities.
An SEA that receives funds in fiscal year 2017 may also use state activities funds to pay for accelerated learning exams taken by low-income students in the 2016-17 school year (Title IV, Part A allowable use of funds). The SEA formula for distributing Title IV, Part A funds to school districts is based on their relative share of Title I, Part A funds. LEAs can form consortia and combine their funds.
- LEAs may reserve up to 2% for direct administrative costs.
- LEAs that receive $30,000 or more must use:
- At least 20% of the allocation on activities to support well-rounded educational opportunities, such as (but not limited to) college and career guidance and counseling programs, music and arts programs, STEM subjects, accelerated learning, history, foreign language, environmental education, promoting volunteerism, and other activities. (An LEA that receives funds in FY 2017 may use funds to cover fees for accelerated learning examinations taken by low-income students in school year 2016-17.)
- Spending on purchasing technology infrastructure is limited to 15% of an LEA’s Title IV, Part A allocation.
As provided by law, permissible state activities include monitoring, training, technical assistance, and capacity building for LEAs; identifying and eliminating state barriers to the coordination and integration of programs, initiatives, and funding streams that meet the program’s purposes; supporting LEAs in providing programs and activities that offer well-rounded educational experiences to all students, including certain underrepresented groups; fostering safe, healthy, supportive, and drug-free environments that support student academic achievement; and increasing access to personalized, rigorous learning experiences supported by technology.