The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) is partnering with Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest to better understand how student learning changed following the onset of the COVID-19- pandemic and the associated suspension of in-person instruction. The global outbreak of COVID-19 changed many aspects of daily life for people around the world, including students’ abilities to attend school in person. It is not known how student learning changed following the physical school closures and distance education programs—in addition to the threat of illness, job loss, and trauma experienced by Illinois students and their families. This project aims to understand the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic (and the associated suspension of in-person instruction) and student learning as well as how this relationship varied among different groups of students and across schools and districts around the state.
Participating districts will receive a confidential report specific to the district. The report will show how student learning changed for each grade level and for different groups of students. ISBE will publish de-identified state-level study results but will never release district, school, teacher, or student identifying information or findings.
The data submission window for this study is now CLOSED.
ISBE invites all districts to participate:
- that serve students in grades 3-8 and
- that have conducted a Type I interim assessment
(for example, AIMSweb, NWEA Measures of Academic Progress, or Renaissance STAR) consistently over the past six years and will continue implementing this assessment during school year 2020-21.
When your district is ready to submit your interim assessment data, please follow these steps:
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