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​The Public Inquiry and identified issues

ISBE recently conducted a Public Inquiry regarding CPS' special education policy and procedures.  The Public Inquiry's 42-page Final ReportPDF Document issued detailed factual findings over the course of several months during a transparent investigation process including evidence and testimony provided by all parties.  The Final Report addressed and discussed the findings regarding four primary issues identified earlier by the Public Inquiry Team:

  1. Whether CPS's electronic IEP system, either alone or in conjunction with CPS's Policies and Procedures, resulted in an unlawful denial or delay of required services or limitations on the required continuum of services to students;
  2. Whether CPS's documentation ​and data collection requirements resulted in unlawful denial or delay in the identification of eligibility or provision of special education and related services to students;
  3. Whether CPS's budgeting system resulted in unlawful denial or delay in the provision of special education and related services to students; and
  4. Whether CPS's policies regarding transportation resulted in an unlawful denial or delay in the provision of needed transportation services to students.​​​

​The role of the isbe appointed monitor

The ISBE Public Inquiry Team issued a Corrective Action ReportPDF Document in May 2018, which resulted in the appointment of an ISBE Monitor to implement ISBE's specified recommendations and serve as a liaison for special education between ISBE and CPS.​

The ISBE Monitor is also accessible to Parents and CPS staff in the capacity that she gathers information regarding specific complaints or concerns related to special education practices and procedures within CPS.  The Monitor utilizes this information to identify trends within specific schools, Networks, and/or departments in order to develop more targeted corrective actions and CPS staff trainings.

It is important to understand that the Monitor's role is not intended to supplant IEP team decisions, nor take the place of Parents' procedural remedies such as Mediation, State-based complaints, and Due Process hearings. The Monitor's primary role is to implement the recommendations pertaining to the specific issues identified by the Public Inquiry Team's findings.​​​

​ISBE Annual Monitoring Reports

 Submitting Information to the ISBE Appointed Monitor

This ISBE Appointed Monitor will be gathering data and conducting school visits throughout the school year to address correction action and implement ISBE's recommendations.  Exceptional schools and best practices will also be examined in order to identify exemplary models for other schools to emulate.  Requests for individual school visits or walk-throughs will be honored as soon as feasible, and ISBE encourages such requests.

If you would like to request a school visit, or report a special education concern regarding a CPS school, department, or practice/procedure, you may contact the ISBE Monitor in two primary ways:

  1. Email:  ISBEMONITOR@ISBE.NET   Please include the school name and describe your issue or concern. If warranted, the ISBE Monitor and her team will make every effort to respond to all emails within a reasonable timeframe.   
  2. Form-based submission:  This form provides you with the option to remain anonymous regarding your concern/request/report. Only the information you provide will be submitted to the ISBE Monitor.  This form cannot be tracked to any personally identifying information of the sender.​​​


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