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The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) provides grants to the IL State Board of Education to provide equipment assistance through competitive grants to districts/sponsors participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). Funds allocated for this program are intended to assist schools in purchasing equipment to serve healthier meals, improve food safety, and expand access.


​The deadline to submit an application for this grant is Monday, December 18, 2023 at 4:00 pm.

​Illinois School Food Authorities may request up to $50,000 to replace, renovate, or purchase new school food service equipment that is needed for National School Lunch Program / School Breakfast Program operations, which enables them to serve healthier program meals; improve food safety; and/or support expansion or establishment of the School Breakfast Program.

For full details and requirements, see the Notice of Funding Opportunity/Request for Proposals:

​​​Previously Awarded Schools

Schools that have received a NSLP Equipment Assistance Grant for any year since FY2009 are included in the Previously Awarded Schools listingPDF Document.​​​​​​​

Grant Reporting Requirements

School Food Authorities that have been awarded a National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant are to report on grant expenditures and programmatic performance each quarter during the grant period until project activities are complete.

Expenditure Reporting

Claim for Reimbursement

School Food Authorities awarded a National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant are to report expenditures for allowable costs using the claim for reimbursement form. A claim for reimbursement of grant expenditures must be submitted to ISBE no later than 30 days from the end of the grant spending period. Claims may be submitted sooner or more frequently throughout the grant period, if desired.

Programmatic Reporting

Periodic Performance Report

School Food Authorities awarded a National School Lunch Program are to report on project performance each quarter during the grant period until the project is complete.


​​Please visit our General Procurement website for more procurement resources including:

 Archive of Previous Years

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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