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 ​Fa​ll Housing Reprocess Request Form​

 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy interests of students. It affords parents the right to access and amend their children's education records, and gives them some control over the disclosure of the information in these records. FERPA generally prevents an education agency or institution from sharing student records, or personally identifiable information in these records, without the written consent of a parent.

 RCDTS Lookup

  • ​​RCDTS Lookup (renamed from Education Entities Lookup)​​

 SIS Development Updates

 Student Information System User Manual

The ISBE User Manual introduces the user to the ISBE SIS system and provides the instruction to enable each user to utilize the system effectively in a short period of time.  It explains how to accomplish the most common tasks and utilize the special SIS features within the ISBE SIS application.

 Transferring CPS and Non-CPS Students Within Illinois

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) Student Information System (SIS) is vital to state processes such as the statewide transferring of students.

Transferring Students

If a non-CPS school contacts a CPS school concerning student enrollment, please check to see whether that student is physically at the CPS school. If the student is no longer in membership/attendance at that CPS school, the CPS school should withdraw the student from their school in ASPEN. ASPEN supplies the enrollment and withdrawal information to SIS nightly. The student will be withdrawn from the ISBE SIS.

However, if the student is physically present and receiving services at the CPS school, inform the non-CPS school that they should withdraw him from their school. If the non-CPS public school is insistent that they have the child as well, forward all such requests to the ASPEN SIS Helpline at (773) 553-3608, or​ for further investigation and resolution.

Duplicate Students

In cases where there are duplicate students (two different students with similar sounding names and the same birth date), the ASPEN SIS Helpline, upon receiving an inquiry from a non-CPS school, will contact the CPS school to ascertain the status of the student in question. If the student is currently enrolled at the CPS school, then the CPS school does nothing. If the student is not at the CPS school, then the CPS school withdraws the student from ASPEN, which will, in effect, withdraw the student from SIS.

These are the basic scenarios that CPS schools should encounter in responding to transfer requests from non-CPS schools. More complex interactions will be facilitated by the ASPEN SIS Helpline.

Please direct questions to the ASPEN SIS Helpline at (773) 553-3608 or​​​

 Vendor Information

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