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In compliance with federal testing requirements, Illinois will administer a science assessment to students enrolled in a public school district in grades 5 & 8. The assessment will be administered in an online format and is aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards for Science incorporating the Next Generation Science Standards(NGSS), which were adopted in 2014.

This Illinois Science Assessment (ISA) page will be updated as information becomes available. Students who participate in the DLM alternate assessment will be assessed in science in grades 5 & 8 by the DLM-AA. Students taking the DLM-AA will not take the ISA exam. The ISA is not an alternate assessment.

​ISA Testing Information

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Students will no longer take a separate Illinois Science Assessment in Grade 11.

The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) will adopt the ACT to serve as the federally-required science accountability assessment for Grade 11, effective with the 2024-25 school year, thereby reducing overall testing time. The state administration of the ACT will include English, mathematics, reading, science, and writing.

ISBE has also developed an FAQ about the state’s transition to the ACT to help answer questions you may be receiving from parents and families. We encourage you to share the FAQ​ with your school communities.

ISBE will follow up with a more technical FAQ to answer additional questions from administrators once we have executed the contract with ACT and have final information to share.

ISA Test Administration and Data

ISA test management resources & data can be found on the new Illinois Administrative Platform powered by ADAM.

 Assessment Technology Requirements

 Presentations & Webinars

 Illinois Science Assessment Results





No data due to ​test cancellation.





  • 2016 State, District & School Performance ResultsExcel Document
  • 2016 State, District & School Mean Scale ScoresExcel Document
  • 2016 State, District & School Participation RatesExcel Document
    • The 2016 assessment window opened on May 1, 2016, giving some districts limited time to administer the assessment before the conclusion of the school year. In addition, schools that utilized devices running Apple iOS operating systems experienced significant technology issues that required converting to a paper administration. In some places, paper materials did not arrive in time for students to take the assessment before the school year ended. Low participation rates in some schools and districts should not be interpreted as a lack of effort or diligence on their part in light of the obstacles some faced.​​​​​

 QuISBE Formative Assessment Platform

The QuISBE formative assessment platform will feature preloaded NGSS aligned content from the ISBE Science Retired Item Bank.​ Districts, schools, and teachers will be able to administer pre-made assessments and receive immediate data feedback.​ The new platform is scheduled to open in February of 2025.​

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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