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The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the reauthorization of the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the country’s national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. President Barack Obama signed the bipartisan measure into law on December 10, 2015. ESSA tasks individual states to create a plan to ensure every child is learning and on the path to college and career.​



ISBE seeks public comment on an amendment to its ESSA state plan.

Please submit your comments via email to

The primary purpose of this amendment is to update the name of the state’s high school accountability assessment at high school. An amendment is also an opportunity to make elective updates to other areas of the plan to reflect current strategies and programming. ISBE has proposed one substantive change and a variety of elective programmatic changes:

  • Substantive Change (Required by ESSA Section 1111(a)(6)(B)(i))
    • Change the high school accountability assessment in all subject areas from the SAT to the ACT in grade 11.
  • Programmatic Changes (Elective)
    • Change references to IL-EMPOWER to School/District Improvement and update language to reflect contemporary programming.
    • Update references to the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 to Perkins V, Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act.
    • Update the description of the Resource Allocation Review to reflect contemporary programming.
    • Add the Middle Eastern or North African demographic group to the list of student groups included in the accountability system.
    • Make other minor descriptive or stylistic updates to reflect contemporary usage and practice.​

 ESSA History

ISBE wanted to develop a state plan that reflected the ideas of those who are closest to the work and so sought out the voices, values, and vision of stakeholders and practitioners. The participation of diverse educators, communities, and advocates made the Illinois ESSA Plan durable.

The Illinois ESSA Plan represents the belief of ISBE and our stakeholders that the students with the greatest needs deserve the greatest share of our public education resources. Grounding our work in the practice of equity will ensure that we provide all students with the supports they need to succeed from pre-K through high school and onto purposeful lives.

This page tracks the development of the plan itself. For information about Illinois' active Support and Accountability System, visit Support & Accountability. For information specifically about Site-Based Expenditure Reporting, visit the Site-Based Expenditure Reporting webpage.

ESSA: Where have we been, where are we now?

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