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Research shows that "regardless of socio-economic background, students with involved parents are more likely to earn high grades and test scores, enroll in higher level programs, attend school regularly, show improved behavior, and develop better social skills."
(Henderson & Mapp, 2002)

ISBE updated the Family and Community Engagement Framework in August of 2024. The framework is designed to guide the work of school and district staff to implement equitable family engagement strategies. It is also useful for families and the community at large to review expectations when engaging with their school.

Read a copy or watch the overview. You are welcome to provide us with feedback. We will use your feedback to guide us in creating tools and curating resources connected to the framework.


Effectively engaging families and communities is essential for achieving educational equity.

Each child comes to school with their unique culture, background, strengths, and needs. Schools that acknowledge this and take the time to learn more about their students and their community can adapt their curriculum, activities, and services to create a welcoming environment that students and their families are willing to attend. Schools cannot be equitable without valuing their communities’ perspectives and honoring their traditions.

Framework References

ISBE last published a Family Engagement Framework Guide in 2015. ISBE took the following resources into consideration in updating the framework to align with the principles of family and community engagement already presented in state standards:​

Become an Educator in Illinois


Share your success stories

If you would like to share how your Local Education Agency is promoting family and community engagement through use of the framework, please fill out the FACE in Action form​. We would like to share your success stories, strategies, and best practices with the field!​

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

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