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ACT with Writing, PreACT Secure, PreACT 9 Secure​

The procurement process for the high school accountability assessment has concluded. As the result, Illinois will transition to the ACT, beginning with the 2024-25 school year.​​ Students in grade 11, and grade 12 as requiredPDF Document, will participate in the ACT with Writing which includes tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing. Students in grade 9 will participate in the PreACT 9 Secure and those in grade 10 will participate in the PreACT Secure, each of which includes tests in English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science. School staff will administer these assessments online. Accommodations and EL supports are available. Scores from the administration of the ACT with Writing (if taken with ACT Standard Time or ACT-approved accommodations) can be used by students for a variety of purposes including college admission, scholarships, and NCAA eligibility.

Check back often as new information will be added as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.​​

 Overview and General Information

  • School Establishment: For Spring 2025 testing, ISBE provided school information to ACT from its Entity Profile System (EPS) . On November 6, 2024, district superintendents, school principals, high school test coordinators, and district test coordinators listed in EPS received an email prompting them to create an account in ACT Now, the test administration setup application. These individuals should begin setting up for testing. Setup activities include, but are not limited to, confirming or declining participation, selecting the Test Event Dates for the ACT with Writing, and adding other testing staff as needed. On January 6, 2025, details for the PreACT Secure and PreACT 9 Secure assessments became visible in ACT Now to allow setup activities for each of these assessments. Each of the three required assessments (ACT with Writing, PreACT Secure, and PreACT 9 Secure) must be setup separately in ACT Now for each invited school/program no later than February 14, 2025. ​Make sure your email system allows the following domains:
  • Contact Information
    • ACT Phone: 855-730-0400
      • Option 1 for state ACT with Writing
      • Option 2 for PreACT Secure Assessments
      • January through May 2025 Hours: 6am- 6pm CST
      • Regular Hours: 8:30am – 5pm CST ​
    • PreACT Secure and PreACT 9 Secure Email:
    • ACT with Writing Email:
    • ACT with Writing Accommodations Phone: 800-553-6244 ext. 1788
    • ACT with Writing Accommodations Email:
  • Welcome to ACT: An Overview​PDF Document
  • Illinois ACT State Testing Office Hours-Register Now!
  • ACT FAQPDF Document (June 7, 2024)
  • ACT User Role MatrixPDF Document (Posted 10/17/2024)
  • Technical Guide for Online TestingPDF Document
  • ACT Writing Test Scoring RubricPDF Document 
  • ACT Calculator PolicyPDF Document 
  • Desmos CalculatorPDF Document 
  • Diploma Exemption Documents
    Submit a diploma exemption only for a student who will be scheduled to receive a regular high school diploma before the next administration of the state's final accountability assessment (i.e., ACT with Writing or grade 11 DLM-AA) and hasn't tested or been identified in SIS as being exempt or for a student whose exemption was not identified through ISBE SIS programming according to the flowchart documentPDF Document. If your district believes there is evidence in SIS of an exemption, please write to for verification before completing any of the diploma exemption paperwork.

 Trainings and Webinars

ACT will host several webinar trainings to assist educators on a wide array of topics. Details and registration links are provided below.​ All webinars will be recorded and available On Demand after the webinar has concluded.

  • The ACT with Writing Accommodations and English Learner (EL) Supports Webinar
    Thursday, October 17, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:30pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Staff responsible for submitting and managing accommodations and EL supports requests. (Test Accommodations Coordinators - TAC)
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about administering the statewide ACT with Writing with accommodations and EL supports. This session will provide training related to the Test Accessibility and Accommodations System (TAA) and requesting accommodations/EL supports for the ACT with Writing. We will also answer general questions related to accommodations and EL supports.
    • Now Available On Demand: The ACT with Writing Accommodations and English Learner (EL) Supports Webinar
  • The ACT with Writing Pre-Test Webinar
    Wednesday, November 6, 2024, 3:30pm – 4:30pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Test Coordinators
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about how to complete pre-test administration tasks and prepare to administer the ACT with Writing. This session will provide training related to how to get started with and navigate ACT Now as well as walk through all required tasks that must be completed prior to test day. We will also answer general questions related to the ACT Now platform and provide an introduction to Test Center Manager (TCM).
    • ​Now Available On Demand: The ACT with Writing Pre-Test Webinar
  • The ACT with Writing Test Day Webinar
    Tuesday, January 14, 2025, 3:30pm – 4:30pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Test Coordinators, Room Supervisors, Proctors
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about how to prepare to administer the ACT with Writing. The focus of this webinar is on how to navigate and complete required tasks in Test Center Manager (TCM). This session will provide training related to accessing TCM from the ACT Now platform, how to create rooms and submit irregularities.
    • Now Available On Demand: The ACT with Writing Test Day Webinar
  • PreACT 9 Secure & PreACT Secure Pre-Test Webinar
    Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 3:30pm – 5:00pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Test Coordinators, Technical Coordinators
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about how to prepare to administer the PreACT 9 Secure and PreACT Secure online. This session covers important tasks and deadlines and how to navigate ACT Now. We will also cover technical readiness requirements to ensure you have the latest version of TestNav and are ready for test day.
    • Now Available On Demand: PreACT 9 Secure & PreACT Secure Pre-Test Webinar
  • Technical Readiness Webinar
    Thursday, January 30, 2025, 3:30pm – 4:30pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Test Coordinators, Technical Coordinators
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about how to prepare to administer the ACT with Writing, PreACT 9 Secure, and PreACT Secure online. This session will cover technological requirements for testing online, how to download the latest version of TestNav and how to complete the tech readiness event prior to testing.
    • Now Available On Demand: Technical Readiness Webinar
  • PreACT 9 Secure & PreACT Secure Test Day Webinar
    Thursday, February 6, 2025, 3:30pm – 4:30pm CT
    • Intended Audience: Test Coordinators
    • Description: Join ACT to learn about how to administer the PreACT 9 Secure and PreACT Secure online. This session covers how to navigate to Test Center Manager (TCM) from ACT Now and how to complete required activities for test day. Additionally, we will walk through what test day will look like using TCM.
    • Now Available On Demand: PreACT 9 Secure & PreACT Secure Test Day Webinar​​​​​​

 Accommodations and Accessibility Supports

IMPORTANT: Accommodations for students with disabilities and supports for English Learners (ELs) are allowed for the ISBE-Provided PreACT 9 Secure, PreACT Secure, and ACT with Writing only for students with accommodations needs documented in an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or Section 504 Plan and for English Learners identified as such in ISBE's Student Information System.

  • ACT Accommodations Office Hours-Register Now!​​​
  • ACT Accessibility Supports Guide
    This resource helps educational teams select appropriate accessibility supports and accommodations for their students for use during the test. Accessibility supports refer to systems, tools, and accommodations that remove barriers for the entire testing population, including examinees identified as having disabilities and English learners (ELs), as well as examinees who do not have a disability. All examinees need to be able to communicate fairly and effectively what they know and can do when they take a test. ACT provides accessibility supports that include the following:
    • Universal supports
    • Designated supports
    • English learner supports
    • Accommodations
  • Consent to Release Information to ACT formPDF Document
  • Test Accessibility and Accommodations (TAA) User GuidePDF Document
    Staff will use TAA to request examinees' accommodations or English Learner (EL) supports and receive Decision Notifications.
  • Preparing for the ACT® Test: Testing with Alternate FormatsPDF Document
    This resource includes information about preparing for the ACT test with ACT-authorized alternate format accommodations, information about the multiple-choice and writing sections, test-taking strategies, and what to expect on test day.
  • ACT-Authorized Bilingual Word-to-Word DictionariesPDF Document
  • Accessibility Supports Guide for PreACT Secure Assessments
    The supports listed in the current version of this guide will be available in spring 2025. Accessibility supports refer to systems, tools, and accommodations that remove barriers for the entire testing population, including examinees identified as having disabilities and English learners (ELs), as well as examinees who do not have a disability. All examinees need to be able to communicate fairly and effectively what they know and can do when they take a test. ACT provides accessibility supports that include the following:
    • Universal supports
    • Designated supports
    • English learner supports
    • Accommodations​​
  • PreACT Secure Accommodations and EL Supports details are posted on the ACT-hosted website for Illinois for PreACT Secure under the heading “Manage Accommodations and English Learner (EL) Supports"​
  • PreACT 9 Secure Accommodations and EL Supports details are posted on the ACT-hosted website for Illinois for PreACT 9 Secure under the heading “Manage Accommodations and English Learner (EL) Supports"​​​

 Practice Resources

ACT with Writing Resources

  • The ACT with Writing Online Practice Test
    IMPORTANT: Click on “Practice Tests" once you have navigated to the TestNav sign on page. No log in credentials are needed. Note: The Preparing for the ACT TestPDF Document contains a scoring guide with directions for computing the scale score from 1-36.
  • Preparing for the ACT TestPDF Document
    This resource contains a full-length practice ACT with Writing test, test details, test-taking strategies, what to expect on test day, and a link to a Spanish version of this resourcePDF Document. In Illinois, the writing section is required. Please note that the full-length practice ACT with Writing test in this resource mirrors the online practice test linked below.
  • Preparing for the ACT Test: Testing with Alternate FormatsPDF Document
    This resource includes information about preparing for the ACT test with ACT-authorized alternate format accommodations, information about the multiple-choice and writing sections, test-taking strategies, and what to expect on test day. In Illinois, the writing section is required.
  • Preparing for the ACT Test Taken OnlinePDF Document
    This resource includes instructions for taking online practice tests, as well as highlighted features and navigation of the secure web application in which students will take the test.
  • Alternate Format Practice TestsPDF Document
    Schools may order free alternate format practice tests by completing and mailing this form.​​

PreACT Secure Resources-Grade 10

  • PreACT Secure Online Practice Test
    IMPORTANT: Click on “Practice Tests" once you have navigated to the TestNav sign on page. No log in credentials are needed. Notes: (1) The first 2 sections provide a “Main Overview” and “Content Overview” followed by the practice test in section 3. (2) The scoring guidePDF Document provides directions for which items to include when computing the scale score from 1-35. (3) The heading on each navigation page displays “PreACT 09” in the top banner, but the practice items are for PreACT Secure.
  • PreACT Secure Practice Test Scoring Guide​PDF Document
  • Preparing for PreACT SecurePDF Document
    This resource contains test-taking strategies and tips, what to expect on test day, and information about test sections.
  • Preparing for the PreACT Secure Test Taken OnlinePDF Document
    This resource contains instructions for taking online, multiple-choice practice tests and highlights features and navigation of TestNav, the secure web application in which students will take the practice and actual tests.
  • Preparing for PreACT Secure (web content) 

PreACT 9 Secure Resources-Grade 9

 Data and Reporting Resources

  • ACT/SAT Concordance
    ACT and the College Board have completed a concordance study that is designed to examine the relationship between scores on the ACT test and the SAT. These concordance tables do not equate scores, but rather provide a tool for finding comparable scores.
  • ACT Technical ManualPDF Document (dated January 2024)
  • PreACT Secure Technical ManualPDF Document (dated August 2023)​

 Archived High School Assessment Information

* * * This page has been archived. The content on this page may no longer be in effect. * * *

Contact Information