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Illinois RtI Network:

The I-RtI Network is a State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) initiative of ISBE and is administered under a multi-year grant awarded to Lee/Ogle Regional Office of Education 47 in June 2011. The overarching goal of this initiative is to:

  • Improve the learning and performance of all students in grades K-12 by building the capacity of Illinois public school districts and schools to develop, use, and sustain a multi-tiered system of research-based curricula, instruction, intervention, and assessment.

The services of the Network primarily involve the delivery of high quality professional development based on adult learning principles and consisting of training, technical assistance, and coaching. For more information and to access numerous RtI-related resources, including a schedule of regional Networking Meetings that are open to all school and district teams, please visit

Illinois RtI Network:

The Illinois Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) Partnership is another SPDG initiative of ISBE and is operated under a multi-year grant awarded to Southern Illinois University Edwardsville in June 2011. The Partnership works with nine participating universities with educator preparation programs to:

  • Facilitate incorporation of critical RtI content into undergraduate and graduate educator pre-service program curricula,
  • Increase options for undergraduate and graduate student field experiences in school sites where RtI practices are in place and implemented with integrity, and
  • Forge collaborative relationships with Illinois school districts to facilitate the placement of highly qualified general and special education teachers in low performing districts with high populations of students from low income backgrounds.

Additional information and numerous resources for IHE faculty can be accessed at​​

 Items of Interest

  • Illinois State Response to Intervention (RtI) PlanPDF Document
  • Implementing RtI Using Title I, Title III, and CEIS Funds - Key Issues for Decision-makersPDF Document

    OSEP has released a PowerPoint presentation that provides some guidance on the use of federal funds to support response-to-intervention initiatives. This guidance clarifies how Title I, as well as Title III funds for English learners and Coordinated Early Intervening Services funds under IDEA, may be used to support tiered interventions and progress monitoring in an RTI model without violating the programs’ fiscal rules.

  • Illinois RtI District Self-Assessment TemplateWord Document
  • With the development of the State RtI plan, the next step for the stakeholder group was to develop a district self-assessment template. The stakeholder group reviewed self-assessment tools from multiple technical assistance projects, such as ASPIRE, PBIS, and CHOICES. Additionally, the group reviewed RtI self-assessment tools from several different states.

    The purpose of this self-assessment template is to assist districts in determining their initial readiness toward implementation of RtI to meet the learning needs of ALL students. This template will assist districts in gathering baseline information regarding current resources and practices addressing scientific research-based instruction, progress monitoring, ongoing assessment and levels of intervention and problem-solving.

  • ISBE hosted a Webinar training session on the Illinois Response to Intervention (RtI) District Self-Assessment on Friday, April 11, 2008.
  • NASDSE RtI Blueprints

    District and School Building Level RtI Blueprints are now available from NASDSE. Visit the NASDSE Website Homepage and look under "Publications". These blueprints can be downloaded for free and print copies are available for only $10 plus shipping costs.​​

 State Resources

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